Thursday, August 26, 2021

Books and Hockey

I love it when I look around to find where quiet Peter is and I find him reading.

I love how he crosses his toes and fidgets his feet as he reads. He loves books and he is getting so smart and knowing all the things in the eye spy book and all the cars in his 100 trucks book. The kids were all out playing street hockey with Wes today. 
Wes is enjoying being on the JV hockey team at Brighton and tries to get over to the rec center when he can to practice skating on the ice. And when he can't get over there, he does a little practice with his stick skills outside and is very nice and patient to let his little siblings play too.
Something occurred to me today that made me realize that the defeat I felt yesterday on Wesley's behalf was unwarranted. Up until today, for some reason I have thought that the BYU Math class was to fix his 4 failing grades from 10th grade. Like last year when he was working on math to get a good grade on his 4th quarter, I was like "You're already taking Math to re-do those grades, focus on getting good grades in other classes" but I did some thinking and now realized that this was to fix some C's that he got his Freshman year! BEFORE he got the Fs! I thought he was one step closer to digging himself out of his gpa and graduation predicament but no - we aren't even onto fixing any of his F's yet! Oh boy. So I had that bawling breakdown yesterday when I thought it was to fix the Fs and that he was close to getting those credits fixed so he could graduate, but now I realized that if he doesn't get his petition granted, it doesn't matter cause he still has to take another class to fix the 10th grade Fs to graduate. So I guess I feel better cause help for graduation isn't on the line here - he's going to still have to do that anyway. This was just to fix some Cs and his gpa. Oh, the good old days when we thought Cs were a problem! 

Corey took inventory of our ski supplies today to see what we need and who doesn't have skis that fit. Gotta get ready for the ski season! 
Plus the Ski-N-See Ski-a-rama sale started today and Corey wanted to go while the hot deals were on. i took Sophi to soccer and then we stopped by after practice was done. Peter taking a late nap on the couch in my room -
I woke him up so that he'd go to bed, but he got too much sleep. It's ok - we're getting a little better and getting to bed a little earlier, but tonight was a later night as I found Owen reading to Peter at 10:30 pm

Cute boys. I'm glad it's almost the weekend. We're just two weeks in but I think this school year is going to wear me out. 

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