Monday, August 9, 2021

Last Summer Monday

I am going to miss my summer mornings. School starts in 7 days. This is the last week of my free summer mornings. I was able to go bike Corner canyon this morning. I went up Clark's trail, took Ghost Falls and rush down, and then I did two more runs of the Canyon Hollow Rush loop and then I stopped to help this guy find his phone that came out of his fanny pack some time on his ride. We were able to find it when I decided to call it, and someone had found it and answered and I was able to give my phone to the guy and he got directions to where they were with his phone, so yay, I helped someone today. 

After my ride, I went over to my parents to pick tomatoes in their garden. Then over to our violin lesson at 11. I have been slacking off and want to start practicing more. I set up toe appt for Hyrum, who's ingrown toenail has not gotten better over this past month. What else... I ate too much today, a bit of stress eating. I'm glad that I'm aware that I am stress eating, and I look forward to understanding why I am trying to avoid my feelings by turning to food. It's left me feeling a bit stressed and bloated. so note to self: stress eating doesn't make the stress go away! My niece Rhyan over here. She came over after we stopped by Corey's parents house after violin to play for a bit. They were gone at their service mission but the kids wanted to stop by and play with legos. We had a fun phone visit with Ethan today.

Corey feels like his being in Guatemala is somehow supporting Ethan and Mel, cause he is there in a foreign land with them and able to share in their longing for home. Wes and Seth playing cards with Mario and Junior.

They shared stories of "the BU" which is basically a state of constant diarrhea, which Ethan is currently plagued with and which Corey is also experiencing. Lots of fun adventures in Latin America. Back to our day here in the blessed US of A, we had a balsamic bean salad for dinner tonight, and I ran by Smiths for arugula and black beans for that. Sophi had soccer practice today, and it was a training, and I just learned that the training is going to be going on everyday this week, so that's not very fun to have to do when I'm the sole driver, ugh. GL training, whatever that is, so that's good to know. I went by Walmart with Sophi after soccer - bought some wart remover for a wart that she has, and some psyllium husk for me, and small hangers so that I can hang up all the little boys' clothes. After taking Sophi home, I biked down to Burt brothers to pick up the van. I took that in over the weekend after Corey left, since I have his car cause he's gone, so it's a convient time to get it repaired. It cost $1600 to fix, rip. The timing belt needed to be replaced, that was $900 plus, then $500 something for the brakes and an oil change. Natalie was all dressed up in Ballet costume as Abi practiced flute. I'm reading the "Fearless Mind" book, very good. Trying to get my mindset right. 

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