Monday, August 23, 2021


I felt like I was so on top of it the past two weeks when I was on my own. But after a really busy weekend, I have lost my focus and I want to get it back. I think Owen locking the keys in the car was where my calm and controlled self turned back to my default frazzled self. I went to distract myself by looking for sweets, which there were plenty of at the wedding and there have been plenty of around here. So I'm bummed cause last Tues I was at the lowest weight I've been at in over 3 years, but I'm back up after my downward spiral this weekend. Time to take a deep breath and examine my thoughts and try to gain some calm. I'm not the only one needing a mindset reset. This morning Owen didn't want to go to school. Each time I called him down to get ready for school, I saw this cute little head pop up over the edge of his bed, and he'd say "I don't want to go to school... it takes too long..."

He eventually got up and willingly walked to the bus stop, but I was worried I'd have have a repeat of the time that I dragged Hyrum to school. Thankfully Owen is not as stubborn (yet...) as Hyrum was. Crisis temporarily averted. Wes needs a mindset check: I got a text from him that he went and talked to his counselor about his Honors Physics class, but the counselor won't let him change out, so looks like he's gotta do it, and I hope he can believe in himself that he can. Natalie needs a mindset reset: when I picked up Sophia and Natalie from school to go to violin, Natalie asked if she had to go to dance after, and I said yes. She was crying  and doesn't want to go. She wants to quit. I called the ballet school and she said Natalie can try out a different Level 1 class that is a bit smaller, so we are going to do that. That one is on Wednesday and Friday, so Natalie did get out of going today, which she was grateful for. But we don't quit when things are hard. It's an opportunity to learn a skill and learn how to work to gain that skill.

We talked with Ethan today. 
There is a funny Toilet hunt story that I put on his blog that he shared with us in our family messenger texts, but it didn't make it into his weekly email. So if you want a good laugh, go read that at the end of his letter/blog post for today
After Ethan had to leave, Joseph talked to Natalie for a second and told her she can't quit dance, she can't learn to quit when things get hard! He also told her that he saw this sign at the airport in Miami "ALL WE NEED IS LOVE" and it reminded him of her (and her Christmas Present to Ethan in 2019, haha)
Joseph travelled back from Guatemala to Philadelphia today. He has arrived safely and Hyrum has his last day of being an assistant technician today and they are both excited to be leaving their pest control summer behind them. They start their road trip home tomorrow. 

So, back to mindset, that has kinda been the theme for the day. Joseph sent me this podcast this morning, Episode 142 with Craig Manning.  I listened to it while I was at the gym after taking Wes to early morning Seminary. While I was waiting for Sophi at her soccer practice, I listened to him give this youtube TED talk - ALL FEAR IS IN THE FUTURE, stay task oriented, not outcome oriented. Task is rooted in humility, outcome is rooted in pride. That goes for me with my weight, Owen with first grade, Natalie with dance, and Wes with school. Stay task oriented and focused in the present moment and what we CAN control. That will allow us to achieve and become what we want to achieve and become. 

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