Sunday, August 29, 2021

Moving Out and Moving In

Hyrum is ready to move on. He spoke at church today, sort of a "farewell" address to our local congregation. Our extended family came to hear him speak. I only got a picture with my parents at church.

Afterward, Corey's family and some of Hyrum's friends came to our home for a visit. Most of the family was in the front room laughing as we listened to Corey share stories of their recent adventure in Guatemala. But Hyrum and his friends were in the kitchen, and cute Daniel was stealing the show in the conversation as he sat at the table with the teenagers.

Hyrum did a good job. I'll paste his talk here as soon as he shares it with me. Today was cousin Isaac's birthday, but they brought a big cake and we sang to everyone who has a birthday in September or October. Abi's birthday is on Friday! 

Sophi's birthday is next Monday! We sang to Hyrum again, and Jordyn, and Daniel's name wasn't listed in frosting but we did him too and let everyone blow their corona all over the cake. 

That fun lasted until around 2:30, at which time Corey, Wes, and Hyrum hurried and packed for a little rafting trip that they were invited to go on with some neighbors. They left around 3 and drove down to southern Utah. They are going to raft the Colorado River through Westwater Canyon tomorrow. So Wes is missing school, but it's a last chance to bond activity with Hyrum, so we're going to excuse it. There was one more spot available, and Joseph was invited to go, but he declined. School starts for him tomorrow, and he's too responsible to just blow it off for a day. The kids were outside riding bikes, I left Abi in charge and I took him down to BYU. 

Joseph is ready to move in to his new place. His roommates helping him unload. He forgot to bring pillows, too bad. 

I took a little tour of his apartment. Small, but doable. And he pointed out, his bathroom is much nicer than most of the ones he used in Guatemala recently, so yeah, he's livin' the life! Fun fact, he is like a 60 second walk away from the basement apartment where Corey and I lived when he was born! 
I can't believe that this little house is still there! Our basement apartment -
Like this is "off campus" housing that is closer than most of the on campus housing. Joseph is closer now to his classes in the Life Science's building than he was when he was in Heritage. Corey and I were so lucky to live here. We walked out our front door and were closer than people who parked their cars in the campus student parking lots. It is as close as you can get. When we lived here, I went and washed laundry at the apartment complex where Joseph is going to be living, so that's fun, and the circle of life continues! One last "small world" moment - Joseph got this text from one of the missionaries that he served with in Guatemala. They weren't companions, but they went on splits once. This missionary was from the Dominican Republic and noticed an Elder Wride in his stake. He let that Elder Wride know that he knew an Elder Wride on his mission, and they put two and two together and then sent Joseph this picture - "Hey! Your brother is serving in my stake!" 
So that was fun. Now we're heading to bed at a semi-decent time, and I'm buckling up for a busy school week. I'm trying to figure out how to spend 3 hours getting kids out the door in the morning and NOT lose all my steam for the rest of the day. If you have any tips, feel free to leave them in the comments. 

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