Saturday, August 21, 2021

Wild Weekend

Well, I need to catch my breath. It has been a crazy busy two days. Ok. so Friday, Corey had an interview, and I'm hoping he gets it something lined up that pays (he's currently doing two jobs that don't pay really - a game thing for Jeff and his holo lense thing for a Korean project). Ethan told me he needs to have his driving record apostilled, so I printed that and got it notarized yesterday, then drove down town to the capitol for a 2pm appointment to get that done. Then back for more errands. I went to Walmart to buy ice cream and soda for when we host the walkabout on Sunday. We are feeding the neighborhood root beer floats and berries with whipped cream and granola. Then I took Natalie to dance at 4. I bought her jazz shoes today. I had looked for some at kid to kid for some that would be less expensive, but no luck, so I bought them there at their store for $40 - ugh. I hate paying full price like that.

Her recital photos that were taken before the June Cinderella performance are finally ready -
Here and the other little bibbidi bobbidi boo fairies.
Natalie has been complaining a little bit about ballet, I'm not totally sure what her concern is, but we're hoping she doesn't give up on it just because it's challenging. 
She's a cute little girl. 

Corey and I went on a date to Nordstrom's cafe last night for date night. I had been doing a water fast. There are lots of good things about fasting, I enjoy fasting. One thing is that when I do end my fast and eat, the food tastes so much more delicious and enjoyable. Food tastes really good when I'm really hungry. I got a pear pecan salad. Delicious. I also usually feel very pretty and confident and good about myself after fasting, hence this selfie I took after I got ready to go out.
I'm liking my hair, but my scalp is still having issues. I've been trying different things - I ordered and have used Viori for the past 2 months, but I don't think that it has the answers my scalp needs. The next thing I'm going to try is Crisan shampoo and conditioner. 

Ok, so then TODAY - Corey and I got up really early so that we could drive to Payson for the temple sealing of Angela's daughter Valentina. 
That was my first time going in the Payson Temple. It was beautiful!! 
We called home at 7 to wake up Abi and Wes so that they could go help clean the chapel. 

Valentina was on a mission when Angela, Cata, and Gabriella came and visited us in 2017. Corey helped Valentina come to the US for school to learn English, and now she's married to a nice young man who served a mission in Chile. Good job, Corey, on making good things happen in their life. They got married civilly last year during covid and then sealed today. Us taking a selfie while they do wedding pictures. I'm sure they'll share those with us later. 
More pictures on Angela's facebook. After we got home, I left Corey and went to help with the luncheon for a funeral over at the church. I was there for a few hours. After getting back home, I can't remember what Peter was doing in Corey's car, but he was cute. 
After I got home, we got the kids dressed and presentable and went down for their sealing reception. Natalie dreaming of the day that she'll get married!
It was a cute little reception at the pavilion at an LDS chapel in Provo. I don't know why they didn't get the gym inside - no one was using it. It was a bit windy outside but they did a pretty good job securing most of the stuff and it stayed put for most of the evening, right up until the very end when a storm came in. 
They served Chilean completos - and there were plenty of alfajor cookies and other treats with manjar.
Owen didn't want to get out of the car right away, and I was helping kids out and seated and get the piano out, and then when Owen did decide to get out of the car, he locked it, and he locked my keys inside. That was when I started to feel like I reached my max of stress for the day. I wasn't hungry but I started to eat cookies as a distraction from the uncomfortable situation I was in. A nice guy came and broke into my car for me. The alarm went off, I paid him $175, and I was grateful to have a ride home again. I am willing to do my part to pay for this service to keep it alive and available to the public.
AH. So then Corey and Lily provided music for the evening.

And the little kids walked around throwing rocks. 
And then there was dancing - 
And we tried to contribute to the festivities by doing our part on the dance floor.
Corey cutting the rug cement with Peter!
My two favorite males - 
It was a party, and it was a really busy day, and I probably would have been ok "calm"-wise had Owen not locked my keys in the car. But after that I started mindlessly overeating the reception refreshments. Awareness is the important first step. Next time I hope I will recognize the stress, sit with is, and be ok with it rather than try to bury it under sugar. Now it's time for bed. It's been a bit of a nuts first week of this school year - with me being on my own for a few days, and the delays of Corey and Wes coming home from Guatemala, and the soccer tournament, and yeah. I am grateful for a day of rest tomorrow. ...well, kinda a day of rest maybe? Corey invited Angela and her family over for dinner, AND we're one of the host houses for the neighborhood walkabout. But I'll try to relax a little bit and see if I can charge my batteries before we start week 2 of the school year! So far it's been a doozy but I'm hoping I will be able to get into the swing of it all.

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