Monday, September 27, 2021

Beginning Another Week

Hello. The fall mountains have been calling to me. 

They are absolutely amazing. I took those pictures yesterday on a drive. I was coming back from the aquarium. I had called and left a message to see if they had found any ipod pros in a black silicone case, cause I had no idea where mine were, but I knew I had them at the aquiarium on Friday when I went with SNODP, and miracle of miracles, they were left there and someone had turned found them and turned them in. So I went and picked those up with a very grateful heart for honest people in the world. UNLIKE the people who stole Joseph's motorcycle sometime between Thursday night and Friday morning. Very rude. Honest people rule, robbers and thieves stink and need to repent. We had a good lesson yesterday at church about chastening and trials - from Elder Wakolo's talk "God Loves His Children" and in part 3 of how God shows his loves, it is by chastening. Part of the definition of chastening: to prune. And I thought of my yard. I don't love it enough to work in it, so it's just doing what it wants and it doesn't look great. Kinda how my life would be without God pruning it. Pruning and weeding is a sign of care and attention! If God didn't love us, we'd be ignored, like my yard - overgrown with grass, weeds, and sprouting trees. 

So I don't know if I'll work on my yard any time soon, but if/when God works on me and the yard of my life, I'll take it as a sign of him caring about me and wanting me to be beautiful and reach my potential. 

We had a walkabout tonight, and that was fun. The kids enjoyed it. 

Peter liked the swing! It was a really long (and thus high!) swing.

Back at home, I saw Peter cutting some paper with scissors and I thought it was cute. 

Other parents might see a toddler with scissors and go take the scissors away. I hope my saying "Aww!" isn't bad. Today we had our early Monday hockey morning - leaving home at 4:45 am. Yay. Wesley drives on most mornings to hockey or early morning seminary. He has his permit for another 3 months. He can get his license sometime after Christmas.
He wakes up, goes to hockey in his pj's, suits up, plays and gets crazy sweaty, comes home, takes a shower, and gets ready. Corey takes him to school, cause I'm taking jr. high carpool, and Wes is usually a little bit tardy. Today was a little slower paced, which was nice. Violin was cancelled because our teachers' son is feeling sick, and a kid at his school got covid, so they're playing it safe, which is appreciated. Peter painting at home.
We talked to E and H. It's Hyrum's last day in the Provo MTC. He flies out to San Diego tomorrow.
I took some kids with me to play at the park while we waited for Sophi at her soccer practice. I talked to Joseph on the phone most of the time. His motorcycle got stolen last week! It was a small bike and pretty light, and he had noticed a trailer the night before over by where he had it parked, so he thinks someone just picked it up and took it. Pretty rude, but Joseph is handling it very well. He said "All things work together for our good! So maybe I was going to get in an accident, so this is actually a blessing..." Still, pretty mean for people to take things that aren't theirs. 
The mountains are looking beautiful, but my mornings are full of driving to school, my days are full of two cute toddler boys who don't want to go in the trailer, and the evenings are full of my quiver of blessings. Peter and Daniel fell asleep in my arms during scriptures tonight. They are precious. Life is busy, but it's good and wonderful. 

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