Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Playplace and Fish Funeral

I went to pick up Hyrum's glasses today and will be mailing them tomorrow. We had a few minutes to kill before we had to pick up Natalie from dance, so we went to Arctic circle in Midvale. That restaurant looks like it's stuck in the 80s. I grew up in the 80s, they were great, but yeah this place needs an update. D and P were the only kids there and didn't mind. 

I ordered them some fries. 

I hadn't planned on going to a play place when I took D&P with me, thus Peter did not have shoes. I still let him walk around the play place. Unsanitary, I know. 
But I washed his feet off when we were done and I hope I have not done anything to cause his early death. Speaking of death, Abi's fish died last week, and she has just left his poor dead body in there for a few days. Today she cleaned out his tank and put it in storage and buried him. 
Natalie dedicated the grave.
Burial - 
Abi gave a lovely eulogy.
And now he's officially gone to fish heaven. He was a good fish. We think Abi's friends killed him by tapping on his tank too much when they were over two weeks ago. Abi had rearranged his tank and taken out his pineapple and there wasn't a place for him to hide, and then he just stopped eating after that. So yeah, goodbye fish. Thank you for being a good pet for Abi.And that is about it pet-wise that we can handle these days. Even guinea pigs seem like too much for us. Maybe if we had more girls to baby them instead of little boys I could be persuaded, but not this year or next. The kids have been wanting a dog lately, but I said we aren't doing dogs, cause we've gone overboard in the kid department. Peter is better than a puppy anyway.
Wes reading to Peter tonight. Peter loves his truck book. 
I love seeing my big kids love on the little ones.

Life is good.

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