Monday, September 6, 2021

Sophi is 10!

Happy Labor day to my second labor day baby! (ok, she was the day after labor day, but close enough). Happy Birthday Sophi! You're in the double digits now, the big 10!

The whole country called for a day off of school to help her celebrate, haha. I'm grateful that I didn't get any requests from her for a party or anything, phew. She already got her two parties anyway, when she turned 6 and 8. The 2019 one might have been the one that officially broke me. I don't mean to be such a party pooper, but I am. Lily decorated for Sophi, which was very nice. I went on a bike ride early this morning and the kids started the party without me, with my permission. When I got back, they were building her new lego set. My mom came by around lunch time with a cake and some gifts - 
My mom likes to give us pop up cards, and she gave Sophi a really cool unicorn one! Very pretty. 
She got lots of sparkly sequin stuff and unicorn stuff. The 10 year old Tiffanie of the 80s would have been in awe and probably a little jealous of all the unicorns and such fun girly gifts. Around 4:30, we drove over to Corey's parents house to celebrate Sophi some more.
We said hi to our missionary Hyrum, who is doing home MTC over at Corey's parent's house. He's 24 hours into his service and seemed to be doing very well. We got back home in time to wave goodbye to Joseph who was heading out for the hour long drive back to BYU via the back roads on his scooter. 
He's looking forward to having some transportation down there again. And Natalie got stung by a bee on her foot yesterday. She was just walking in from the trampoline when she got stung inside her second toe. Today her foot was all swollen. 
Our neighbor and pediatrician told us to get her some ibuprofen, Benadryl, and Zyrtec. I had ibuprofen on hand and I went and bought the others. Hopefully it will kick in and help her foot return to normal before school tomorrow and dance class on Wednesday. I was laughing a little bit as I thought of the Croods 2 when the Dawn girl got stung and all swollen from bee venom, ha. It was nice to have a day off from school today. We're not even a month in but I'm struggling a bit! I hope it gets a little easier  as we get used to the busy mornings and busy routines. The kids and I all miss online Friday! ...mostly cause I pretty much blew it off and it was just an extra weekend day for us. How tragic if people like us who didn't take it seriously were the reason why the school districts went back to the full 5 days of in person instruction. 

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