Saturday, December 18, 2021

First Day on the Slopes

Today we enjoyed our first day skiing as a family. We went to Alta. 

It was a lot of work getting out the door and there was lots of complaining once we got there, but we persevered! Lily didn't want to go and so there was a little cajoling going on there. For the kids that were willing to go, they were still dragging their feet and moving super slow. We were all awake at 8, but it still took like 2 hours for everyone to get ready and into the car. Once we arrived up at Alta at 10:30, we realized we had left Peter's coat at home. Darn. Lily was crying about her boots being too tight, we had told her that the socks she had on were too thick, but she wouldn't listen. We planned for this moment and I brought an extra pair along and she was a little put out that we solved that excuse. Her last attempt at protesting in the back of the van.

She wanted me to take her back home when I went for P's coat. But Corey got her boots on and she left with him and I drove home, grabbed his coat, then back up. When I got back to the Wildcat parking lot, Peter was moaning that I made him walk as I carried our skis and my poles. I tried to carry him for a little bit and my bicep was burning. Back down he went. We shuffled along very slowly and I was relieved to find Wes. He took Peter while I went and got P's ski pass. 

Then it was time for fun. I ran into Corey and kids and we went on the Snowpine lift for a few runs. Corey took Peter and spent the rest of the day with him. I had Daniel.

Owen went with Abi and Wes, and we ended up splitting up but found each other for lunch. Corey forgot to grab the Pringles, but we survived. Peter was sitting by Wes and told us "I like skiing." Lily was in a better mood, but accidentally didn't make it to the bathroom in time (#1) and so she wanted to go home and get a change of pants, but we said no. Sorry Lil if you'd rather I not document that, but I think it will help you all understand, when you read this post later in life, the kid of trials and adversity we endured. It was like the kids were pulling out all the stops to make us quit and leave, but we were laughing about it.

After lunch, Wes and Abi took off and the rest of us headed to Sunnyside. Corey and Peter in the line for the lift. 

Pretty impressive, sweetheart!
Corey got Owen and Daniel poles this year. They love skiing.
After a few runs, it was getting darker, and I asked them "Should we go one more time, or two? Or three." Daniel said "TEN more times!" Owen replied "One Hundred!" I think we got in two more before our last run when we met up with everyone - that was when I saw Peter skiing for the first time. Corey had spent the afternoon with him, and when I saw him going down by himself I laughed with delight, sooo cute! 

Corey's comment at the beginning of that video was referring to Lily's accident. We all headed down the big hill. 

Wow Peter! You've come a long way since January

Corey's a pro teacher of toddlers.

Peter laughing as he comes at Corey 

We're excited for this skiing season. After we got home, everyone helped put things away, I started laundry, and I put the little boys in the tub while Corey left with the other kids to go gather things for Christmas goodies tomorrow and to pick up Joseph. I spent some time reading to get myself more prepped for a lesson tomorrow that I'm leading on the Family Proclamation. I never feel ready, but I stand up there anyway with a prayer in my heart and the Lord backs me up, and we all are edified and rejoice together (D&C 50:22). I trust that will happen tomorrow too. I'm going to go do more prep.

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