Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Snow Day and Ballroom

We got a ton of snow last night, so today was a snow day! Hooray!! We were able to sleep in, which was good cause I didn't sleep great with this kid kicking me. He wakes up in the middle of the night and crawls in bed with us. I don't want him to fall off the bed, and I can't hold him cause then my arm falls asleep, so I put him in the middle of the bed, but try to keep him from bugging Corey, and last night he didn't bug Corey cause his feet were on me. My head was there between his legs. So funny to see his little sprawled out body this morning. 

Cute little boy. Corey woke up and plowed and blowed the snow for over an hour. 
The boys went sledding in the front yard.
We got like a foot of snow! Here it is on top of our garbage can...
The kids had fun playing with friends today. 
And playing outside on the big piles of snow. Owen is king of the world!
More sledding. I like Owen's gardening hat
Abi was lucky that things cleared up enough that they still held her ballroom peformance tonight. They were also supposed to perform for an elementary today, I don't know if that is just cancelled or if they are rescheduling it to tomorrow. Abi with some of her ballroom friends. 
I was still a little wiped out from my full day of violin shows yesterday, so I didn't go to the show tonight. Corey represented the family. 
Abi and her friends all feeling pretty with their deep red lipstick. 

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