Saturday, January 15, 2022

Birthday Re-do

We had a re-do birthday celebration for Peter today, cause he wasn't feeling great last night and didn't get any of his birthday dessert. So he got his chocolate brownies for breakfast!

I'm not sure what he was doing here, but it was cute ("Home Alone" face?)
Playing with his etch a sketch from Grandma Wride. What a cute little guy.
And then my mom texted to let us know that she had left Peter's gifts and a cake on the front porch. We're all practicing social distancing, so it was a drop off birthday for Peter. 
More presents! Let's see what's inside the birthday bags. He got some legos, a book, and cute dinosaur clothes. Siblings helping him unwrap~
Peter excited about the legos!
She also dropped off some goodies, cake, and ice cream. After dinner it was time for cake again - Peter started and gets to end the day with birthday cake. 
Singing to the birthday boy. (Blowing out candles is tricky)
Peter's got good eyebrows and cute expressions. Happy birthday Peter, we are all so glad you were born! He's been a delight and joy in our lives for the past 3 years.
A few last items for today - Wesley's covid test came back negative, yay, so I don't know what he was sick with, but it knocked him out and he gave it to me and it knocked me out too. I'm glad it was a quick one day illness and that we don't have to quarantine, although we're still keeping our distance from people. Church tomorrow is online and school is out for one week for the jr. high kids to try and help covid numbers go down. Corey and Wes went to a Utah Grizzley's hockey game tonight. We're going to try and do "1-on-1" dates with the kids again. The girls and I at home had fun watching "While you were Sleeping", it was fun, they were really into it. :)

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