Tuesday, January 18, 2022


Last Monday, Jan 10, Corey and I were on our health care patient portal looking for Daniel's covid test results from his Friday nose swab, and we didn't find it (so I called the pediatric office and they were able to tell me) BUT Corey did see something else in his patient inbox - a note from his doctor from freaking JULY saying that he is pre-diabetic. They should have called, too, or something, cause he never saw the note. It also said for him to come back in 6 months to get it checked again, after following some diabetes diet and attending a class, which he didn't do. But now that we know, we're starting. I went to youtube to search for a few vegan videos to refresh my brain from when I was fully on board in 2017, and I got some of my plant based books off the shelf downstairs, and I'm recommitting to plant based eating. A few videos to watch - 

I was going to announce my plan to Corey, but he'll eat whatever I make, so I just need to recommit myself to Whole food plant based dinners. We're going to finish using meat and stuff in the freezer, but I'm doing the shopping from now on and we're not bringing anymore animal products in. Last night for dinner we had a delicious dinner that Mel made for us once. She really liked this website "Pick Up Limes" and the time she made Loaded Chili Sweet Potato Fries is imprinted on my brain. It was very very good. So I made that last night. Yum!

I shared a picture with Mel to let her know I was thinking of her! We are so excited that she is coming home from her mission in like 6 weeks!!

I might start our Purple Carrot shipments again too. It's a good resolve, and I'm taking baby steps. I know that planning out meals is the big key to success. Abi is going to help me. So, other than a recommitment to healthy dinners for the rest of my life, it's been mostly the same ol' same ol. Last month I bought a computer for my long lost second uncle cousin (?) Dennis and mailed it to him today. We've been keeping touch after we discovered each other in the fall of 2020. His 2010 miniMac was getting slow or something and he asked if Corey, with his computer expertise, could help him find a trustworthy replacement. We were able to find a refurbished 2012, I picked it up in Lindon, but Dennis didn't want me to mail it yet for fear that some package thief would nab it, so now that the holiday shopping is well over, it was safe to mail. Things are good.

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