Sunday, February 20, 2022

Anniversary Feast

We had our 7th annual Family Feast tonight, celebrating 23 years since our family began. (Past years' celebrations: Family feast 20212020, missed a few years, 201620152014, and the first year of this tradition in 2013) I ran an errand for all the goodies yesterday evening after we got home from skiing. We went to church this morning, and after church Corey took most of the kids over to his parents house while Abi, Lily and I set up the party. Joseph's eta from Provo was 5:30, so I texted Corey that they could come leave around 5:30, and to come through the front door (where we planned to block the view of the kitchen) and everyone upstairs to dress up fancy. Everyone dressed and ready? 

"Time for dinner!" - a new favorite phrase from the Don't Talk About Bruno song :)

The dessert table -
Family photo - 
My plate. May the world take note that THIS is a decent beet salad, not that ridiculous dish I was served at La Caille last night!
We had salmon, potatoes, two salads, and a plethora of desserts and juices. Everyone got more than their full. We ended the evening by watching our wedding video and then The House
We've watched The House for the past 3 Sundays for some reason. 
Ethan did a good job on that. When he comes home in June, he'll have to start filming episode 2. (...only this time he'll be playing the Returned missionary role!) I cleaned up most of the after party, and after the family movies, the kids went to brush teeth and then Corey read to them upstairs a book called "My Name Used to Be Muhammad". 
The kids are really into it. Wes and Abi listened as they rubbed Owen and Peter's backs, soon O and P were asleep, Lily and Sophi made friendship bracelets. Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment, i'm 25 weeks along today, and then I might try to catch up with Joseph up skiing. Wes was going to go with him but he has work. I don't think any of the other kids will make it out the door without me pushing, so we'll see how it goes after I get home. I am very grateful for our life. They are still reading, but I think I'm going to lay down and listen (I think I overate too, only I don't have much room in my tummy to overeat!) Corey is an amazing husband and father. I know that we have a really fun courtship story, but we try to make sure the kids know that their story doesn't have to be like ours to be awesome. We do highly recommend that they obey the laws of God, especially the law of chastity, and that they stay close to the Church of Jesus Christ and God's leaders. Corey and I know that our commitment to Christ and His church, our efforts to follow the teachings of God's prophets in the scriptures and today, has been the biggest driving factor in the life God has blessed us with. We love it and hope our kids will gain their own testimonies of the wonderful fruits of striving to follow Christ by obeying the teachings and ordinances of His restored church. Good night!

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