Sunday, February 27, 2022

Peter & Top of the Stairs

Peter asleep in our bed again this morning. 

I know I post probably way too many pictures of Peter asleep, but can you blame me? I mean LOOK AT THIS ADORABLE LITTLE FACE! and how he tucks his little hands up into his neck.
Sooo stinking cute and beautiful. We love him so much.
Peter has been practicing drawing too. He drew two smiley faces!! 
Peter is just everyone's favorite. I guess every baby is, and they each have had their turn being the star of the family blog. We'll let Peter enjoy a few more months in the spotlight before this baby girl comes and kicks him out of the limelight. 

Here is a moment from tonight - Corey's still reading the book "My Name Used To Be Muhammad" to the kids. They started it earlier this month and read it mostly on the weekends and Sunday evenings. They all gather to the top of the stairs to listen (last pic).
Some of them using him as a couch. 
I think I'd have to sit in a chair if I were to read to the kids, but they all seem happy and comfortable, so more power to them. This story of Tito Momen is pretty incredible. Corey read it to the older kids years ago when he first got it in 2013, and now the second half of the kids get a turn to gather at the top of the stairs to listen. 

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