Monday, March 21, 2022

Last Ski Day and Changing Rooms

It snowed yesterday, and the temperatures were cold today. As I've been looking at the forecast for the rest of the week, I knew that today was going to likely be one of the final good ski days, since it's going to be in the 70s this weekend! So, Corey and I decided that whoever wanted to go skiing today had our permission. The girls were all going to go, Wes was going to stay home and do homework, and I would stay with little boys. Natalie decided she couldn't miss the last rehearsal day before the School House Rock performance is filmed tomorrow, so Natalie went to school. It will still be fun for MALS, and Sophi was all dressed and ready with boots on, but her stomach was hurting, so last minute she went back to bed. So Mel, Abi, and Lily went for a fun day skiing at Brighton. Corey took them up and he worked in the lodge to be the parent on duty. Mel documented the day for me - Lily and Abi coming down the Western Trail after taking up the Great Western Express lift.

Gorgeous day, right?!! Beautiful!
Mel on the left, Lily, and Abi in red.
Another selfie on the chairlift.
I thought it was great for them to be able to go with Mel. Abi and Lily have the normal scuffles that teenage sisters have, so it's great having Mel there as a sister and friend but also an adult to be the mediator between them and a great peacemaker and example to them both. So they had a great time today.  

This evening we took another step to help these girls have more quality bonding time. Mel has been home from Brazil for almost 3 weeks. She has had a bed to sleep in, but has not had a place to live with her clothes and belongings, other than her sorting piles in the basement. So tonight we decided to make room for her. It started with us just moving a desk from the basement up into Abi and Natalie's room. But Abi thought it looked ugly. So then we thought maybe Mel could move in with Lily into the small room and Sophi could move over with Abi and Natalie, since she didn't care about having a desk? So Sophi was excited about that and they started to move their things. The bedrooms turned into a mess quickly. But then Abi said she liked being with Mel and wanted them to stay together.  That made Sophi feel rejected and she was tearful. We discussed, the girls all had different opinions as to what would be best, and I decided we needed an impartial vote to decide. So one by one they stepped into the ballot room (my bedroom) and placed their vote. The ballot tally was as follows: 

Mel: MAL in big room
Abi: She stays in the big room and no opinion on roommates (MAL, MAS, MAN all fine)
Lily: ML Small room
Sophi: her in the Big room with Abi and Natalie
Natalie: Small Room with Sophi

It looked like Mel, Abi, and Lily in the big room was the majority vote. I took it to Corey for the final say. He agreed that that would be the best arrangement, as he felt that right now, with Mel home until August, Abi and Lily would have the most to gain from sharing a room with her. So that works. Sophi was the most sad about it cause she really wanted to get out of the small room, but I promised her we'll make the small room nice and as spacious as possible. And it could be good and fun for her to be the "oldest" in that room. So, they are all still making a mess moving clothes and bedding, making room for Mel and switching Natalie and Lily. Natalie in her new space - 
Mel and Abi working on the closet - 
We moved the big white shelving thing from the small room and moved the extra desk over to the small room. 
The big room will be more crowded now, but I think they just need to get rid of stuff. Abi has a ton of clothes (and then goes and take Wesley's clothes anyway, I don't know why she has all the clothes that she has when she hardly wears them). Lily's got a ton of creative crafty stuff and books and toys still too, so she also needs to simplify. I threw away like 200 origami birds and swans and butterflies that she made that she gifted to Natalie as she left the room. They just were in a mess on the floor and now most of them are in the garbage. It's good to switch things up and go through stuff. 

While we were working, Corey read to the boys and got Peter to fall asleep in his bed. He was hugging his new baby dinosaur! I love it. 
We're heading to bed soon, even though things are still a mess. I'm sure it will be a few days before the rooms are all clean and settled in to. 

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