Saturday, March 19, 2022

Winners Concert

Abi won for her division in the flute sonata competition on March 4th, and today was the winners concert. I didn't go cause I had to take Sophi to a soccer game, but Corey recorded it to share. Abi did wonderful!

And here she was performing in her rehearsal last night. Here are a few pictures of Peter, of him working hard in his preschool cat book...

He does a good job following in the lines and tracing around frames and kites. His toes are so sweet. And Peter appears to be left handed, so that is fun! 

And a pic of Peter in the car watching the movie screen. I'm not sure what he's doing, but his little scrunched face is cute. 

Mel has been cooking up a bunch of Brazil foods for tomorrow, like Empada doce and Coxinha. Lily was her apprentice and helper. 

Mel is going to be speaking at church tomorrow, and then we invited family and her friends to come over and visit. She was working hard all day to give us a little taste of Brazil, should be fun! 

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