Sunday, April 10, 2022


It was a nice Sunday. We slept in and went to church at the Lake Reams Ward at 1:00. It was nice to sleep in and still have time to get dressed and ready. It's been nice to be able to recharge.

We watched a little bit of "Prince of Egypt" before church and let the kids eat chips and any and all kinds of food we had, cause we have a lot that I don't think we're going to get through before we leave Tuesday morning. Peter having a bowl of Frosted Flakes.
Church was great. Mel and I went to Relief Society and it was great. Peter did wonderful during nursery. Showing the picture that he drew to Wesley after class. 
The ward had a "meet and greet" activity with treats and horderves and they said everyone was invited, so we stayed after church for a little bit and visited with some of the members and enjoyed cookies and treats. The bishop's wife was from Chile, and even went to school at Maria Luisa Bombal! So that was a fun connection and Corey had fun talking with them. On our drive home, there were some letters in the sky, then we noticed letters were still being written. Mel and I were trying to figure out what it said. then Corey called "There are letters up in the sky, I need to know what they say..." The letters got blurred up pretty quick, but Mel figured it out. You can't tell, but it said "Jesus Gives - Ask Now
And then Mel found this little article about the guy who does it - Holy Smokes by local Resident Gerald Stevens and his crop dusting plane. Fun. 

Back at the room, some friends from Brazil came over for dinner, and that was nice to have them over for a visit. They are from Utah and Corey helped them arrange their vacation and we've gone to the parks together, although we haven't met up much except for a little bit at SeaWorld on our last Merry Go Round ride before they headed to the Orca show and I headed home. Tonight we cooked up a lot of food to try and use it up. It was another feast. We are heading to bed at a decent time again - tomorrow morning we're going to try and get up early to beat the crowds at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure. It's been a lot of busy party time here in Orlando!

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