Saturday, May 14, 2022

Another Run Around Saturday

Much like last Saturday, today was another busy run around day. Corey and I went to the Draper Temple for the 7:00 am session, were home at 9:30, Wes was gone at a YMAD meeting, we woke up kids, had muffins for breakfast, Mel took Abi to her soccer game for me, Lily needed to go to the store to get a b-day present for a friend, Mel got back, Corey left with NODP and he used the Get Out Pass to take them to the Kangaroo Zoo again, the one in Pleasant Grove this time. They loved it and were gone until like 4:30. I left at 1 with L&S, we picked up Abi from her game, took Sophi to her soccer game at a different field, then A&L went to Target and I went to TJ Maxx and got a few things for the baby (hat and socks) and then picked them up, took A back home, took Lily to Fat Cats on 37th S for her friends bday party, and almost went by Costco on my way back, but calculated the time to drive there, and even if I was super fast, I'd prob be late picking up Sophi, and I didn't want to be late, so I went to pick her up. They had a cute little end of season ceremony. Sophi had filled out a questionnaire thing and said what she liked about all her team mates and what she likes about soccer, so the coach compiled all that and read one for each player. 
Sophi's turn to be spotlighted.
I don't know if we'll have Sophi keep playing on this team next year, mostly cause I'll have a baby and I don't want to make it happen, and Corey's already got too much on his plate. So we'll see. Tryouts are in two weeks and I haven't registered her yet. I'm leaning to just doing rec soccer and not this competivite team. So this might be her last time with this team and these players. She might have been glad to have me there for the little end of season celebration, but I was in a time crunch and that went on for 30 minutes, and I was thinking darn, I guess I could have, maybe should have gone to Costco before, cause Father David was coming over for dinner at 5:30 and I didn't have any food ready and hadn't been home to clean up the house for company. I texted Abi to ask if she would mow and clean up. Then Sophi and I hurried to Costco, we got fruit and stuff for a green salad, and I decided to do sandwiches & chips as the main dish with sides of sushi, and shrimp. I got home at 4:20 and hurried and cut up food and set out condiments. Mel got home from the temple, she did initiatories, and I left her in charge of the food while I left to go pick up Lily. Her party was done at 5, and that's what time I left, so I was late picking her up, I passed Corey in the neighborhood on my way out, he came back with ODP and made some tapioca pudding, which Father D really likes. I was back at 5:50 with Lily and they had waited for us to start dinner. I didn't visit much, I ate some sushi and shrimp and then tried to wake up Peter, but instead I fell asleep with him and Father David had left when I woke up. He is moving to Texas in two weeks. Corey called Diego after Father D left, and I guess they are moving too, probably to Nebraska he said. So yeah, there is my ramble on sentence of our run around day. I knew it was going to be busy, I'm glad I went on a bike ride yesterday cause I didn't have time to myself today. Looking forward to a day of rest tomorrow. I'm leading the discussion in Gospel Doctrine, I used any spare time I had today to go over notes for that. It's on the book of Numbers. It's my last time teaching before the baby comes, yay! Corey will probably sub for me next month. Ok, going to head to bed and then get up early and finish a little bit of last minute preparations for Sunday School class.

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