Thursday, June 2, 2022

At Home

We are home from the hospital. This morning she got the ok to be discharged at 8:30 and I got mine at 9:30. I got the baby dressed in a preemie onsie and put her in her carseat. She didn't like that.

Corey came and picked me up Sorry baby, you have to go in this - you have siblings waiting to see you! It's just a short ride home! Hang in there...
At home, Corey had one of his first turns with the baby. And it's important he have time with her so we can figure out her name. 
Moving the baby up into my room to feed her, and the kids all followed...
She's pretty popular.
Daniel got a turn holding her first, cause he had to go see the pediatrician and get his kindergarten shots. He had decided that he didn't want shots and was NOT going to go to kindergarten after all, and Corey pretended to call the kindergarten teacher to let her know. Then Corey asked Daniel to just come with him to get Abi's bike fixed, and they made a stop by the pediatric clinic on the way. Daniel was a coward until the moment came for the shots, and then he got some courage and didn't cry or even say ow. He did great with his covid shots and flu shots, so I don't know why he was being afraid. He's a brave kid.

Back at home with the baby, I'd nurse her, she'd fall asleep, kids would want to hold her, she'd wake up during the passing around, cry, and then I'd take her to nurse her again. At one moment I kicked all of them out of my room and fed her in my bed, and I fell asleep with her briefly, but it was long enough that I got a text from Corey, who had run a quick errand to check out the trails at Snowbird, and as he was coming home, he turned the corner to see Daniel and Peter walking down the street, almost at the busy street. Corey asked them what they were doing. They announced were going to the school, about to cross the busy street, while holding a dead mouse they found on their way... while their mother was home napping...
Daniel was leading Peter. Daniel has a friend who lives down the street and whenever he wants to go play at his house, he insists I walk him down. And today, for some reason, he walked to that house and past it, leading his little brother along, so I don't know what came over him. I was very grateful that Corey came back when he did to stop them in their plan. And this just proved that Corey is right, this might be a bit much for me to handle without help. I'm not sure where the big kids were or what they were doing. I guess I didn't leave anyone specifically in charge of watching the boys, but they'd never done this before though this whole past school year when it's just been me and these two boys at home. So yeah, too bad for me that they were feeling brave when my guard was down. So that's a great mothering moment on my first day back with the new baby. Another mother of the year award for me! I guess I need to keep the baby out and available to be a magnet to keep kids around. My nieces came by to see the baby and stayed and helped me clean the house a bit. One of them helped keep the baby safe from kids and the other helped me clean the kitchen, then they swapped positions.
This little girl is pretty adorable. 
We are all smitten.
Corey took kids with him to Costco after that, and I straightened up the house (trying to redeem myself a little in Corey's eyes) with my big kid helpers watching the baby. We're kinda working on a name... I have a list, but mostly I need Corey to be able to have time with her, look at her, and get a sense for what name he likes. It just has to be an initial we haven't used yet, so JMEHWALSNODP are all taken. When people ask about her name, Corey says "Well we just met her!" And that is true. All the kids and all their friends are giving their input. As we reviewed our past names for the kids, we agreed that we haven't messed up yet, so hopefully we'll keep our streak of getting the right name. 

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