Monday, June 6, 2022

The Name

Well, we've decided on a name. Most of the kids aren't thrilled with it (listen to Ethan's voice message, it's funny) but Corey and I are comforting ourselves with the belief that we haven't messed up on any of the kids names yet, so hopefully we got this one right too. The name we have chosen for this little queen is...
Katharine Ann Wride ~
On Friday I called the hospital and Bonnie at medical records said we could have until Monday. She said to call her Monday morning. I had an alarm set for today at 9:15 to call, but then I snoozed it cause Corey hadn't had a chance to sit with the kid yet. Then Bonnie called me after 9:30. I asked for 10 more minutes. Corey needed more time than that. I called her in 10 minutes to ask for more time. We were working on it for the next hour. But then she didn't cooperate and was a little fussy wanting to eat. I knew that she'll sit still if she hears the rumble of the water in the tub, so I turned on the bath water and Corey sat with her there for a few minutes.
The name was mostly between Katharine and Vanessa. 
I called her at 11:10 with our final answer and left a message, that I'm assuming she got cause she didn't call me back. 
Corey had like 20 minutes to himself yesterday, locked safely in our bedroom, to look at this princess. And then I came in and accidentally let Wesley into our room for some reason and then time to ponder was over until this morning. Sorry Corey. 
We didn't talk yesterday about names, but we had eliminated a few over the weekend. Corey scratched all the B, F, G, and I names on my list. Most of the K and V names were scratched too, but Vanessa, Katharine, and Ruby were still in the running. 
Maybe it's not helpful for the kids to know the names that were not chosen... 
When we told the kids her name this morning, Wesley was like "Nooo! Isabel is so much better!" The little girls like Brianne. Mel isn't sure, but didn't protest. Abi is fine with it. Abi is gone in California for a Disneyland trip with her ballroom class, and she just said "Aww" to my text. Lily didn't care, she just wanted her to have a name, and any name was fine for her, she was just like "Pick a name already!" Ethan's voice message to us made me laugh - And when we talked to him today, he was like "It's ok... it's fine... I just won't ever speak to her..." ha. It'll grow on her. Hyrum likes it. It was one of his suggestions that he put in the comments on Joseph's facebook poll. I liked Vanessa more, but with Natalie I liked Kristina more, and I just secretly called her Kristy for like a week until Natalie grew on me. I'm sure this will be the same. This little girl just needs some sleep. The kids want to hold her so much, and then she'll wake up when they do, mostly cause they like to hold her without the blanket and also want to walk with her and they move her around so much. I'm finding myself locking my room behind me just so she can have a moment of peace and quiet and stillness.
It might be a little silly that it took us so long to decide on her name when it ended up being such a traditional one. So Katharine just because it fits. Kristy was my top contender before seeing her, but after seeing her I didn't think she looked like a Kristy. Ann is her middle name after my mom's middle name, since they share a birthday now, and also Ann after Ann's Trail where I went biking during this pregnancy. :) I'm trying to soak up every moment with this little one. 
Snuggling with my little warm baby head this morning. 
So yeah, Katharine it is. I'm not sure if we'll call her Kathy or Kate/Katie for short. We'll see what fits and what sticks as she grows.

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