Thursday, July 7, 2022

Boys Holding Katharine

Wesley probably holds Katharine the least. He knows that K is a kid magnet, and tries to avoid having his noisy siblings swarm around him. So I was able to get these pictures on the 4th of July when everyone had left to the breakfast and parade except me and Katharine - SHE'S SO PRETTY! 

And she's so little!!
I love this little jumper so much, a neighbor Jill gifted it to us and it is sooo adorable. I want to get more of them, it's just so cute. 
Wes and K Sharing amazed and concerned expressions - 
You can try to be excited and happy and smiley and make yourself act crazy talking and goo-gooing at her, but she will not crack a smile. She is the "try not to laugh" champ around here! One more with Wes, just cause it's a rare thing - K snuggled to his neck -

I also got a pic of J holding K on the 4th when he came up to celebrate with us. He was trying to recreate when she smiled at him (pic 5) but she didn't cooperate. That's ok - it happens. 

Every morning, Owen come into our room and knocks on my door and says to me (if I open it) or through the door if it is closed "Can I hold Katharine?" It's sweet.
It's overbearing, but it is sweet. Daniel holding K - 

Peter doesn't get a lot of turns either, but he's sweet and does a good job! 

He's very careful. 
That picture almost looked like he was nursing her. I am often impressed by her ability to sleep!

Another pic of K with the boys - I gave Joseph a haircut on Sunday morning, Abi was holding Katharine, Ethan wanted a selfie, and Joseph said "I want to be in it!" and Ethan got Joseph via the mirror, ha. 

Funny boys. Wes again, loving on her soft squishy cheeks!
So they love holding Katharine, but when it's not their turn, they are happy to be boys. 
Lily painted all of their faces again cause the paints were still out from the 4th. They are Avatar Batman's! Posing like Spiderman - 
Owen has also been having a "store" with his friend Oliver. They try to sell Oliver's snacks, but the overhead is a bit much. One package of Pringles is $2 bucks. I went to take a pic and would have bought something, but their store is too expensive for me. 
Ethan letting K stuck on his nose again tonight. His siblings think it's funny, most of us think it's gross and we go to rescue K. 

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