Friday, July 29, 2022

Lisa Falls & Baptism

Grant and Steph have been staying with us since last Saturday, but their schedule has been booked and today was the first time they had a little bit of down time (90 minutes) and we could all do something together! Grant was hoping for time in the mountains, and we did do Bridal Veil Falls yesterday and decided to do another mountain walk today at Lisa Falls. 

I'm impressed that, almost every time that Corey's gone on a ride, he bikes all the way up here! Wow
The kids found a nice dirt hill to climb and roll down and get dirty in, yay
Peter found a stick! And was killing bad guys. 
Grant going up to rescue some kids that were stuck up the dirt hill - 
Lisa Falls is beautiful.
Peter and Caleb hiked up over some rocks, and then when they came back, Peter proudly told me he found a rock!! I would have said that we were surrounded by rocks, I perhaps Peter was looking for a particular kind of rock. 
We just stayed for a little bit up in the mountains, and then the Hibberts came back home to prepare for Edmund's baptism. The kids all wanted to go in my car (I've got the kid magnet Katharine), but Grant told his kids that they were going over early to practice a song that they were going to sing. At home, Ethan didn't have work this morning, so he was able to come to the baptism with us. He was also doing laundry or something in the laundry room and saw a paper where Mel had been doing some pencil sketches... and thought he'd give it a go. 
Katharine looks like a little Frankenstein, and Natalie doesn't look right either. 
I laughed at Ethan being silly, but he said "I was honestly trying my best!" Well that is good! Your best is good enough! We all left to go to Edmunds baptism at 5. Cute group of little boys!
Ok, girls can join too... and big boys...
It was a picture taken in a small hallway, hence the wide angle from the phone camera. My brother Neil is a bishop up in Layton and Grant had asked him to come conduct, so it was a really special service, small and intimate. Stephanie and Taden gave the talks. Grant baptized Edmund, my mom played the piano and led the music, and there was a sweet testimony meeting after. It was a lovely service. They all went out to eat after, but we didn't join them for that cause Ethan had to work at 5. They are heading back to Texas tomorrow morning. It's been really great having them here and getting to spend time with them and getting to know their boys better. I only wish that Corey and the girls would have been around too, but that's ok. They are hopefully coming home tomorrow too. Life is good.

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