Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Owen is 7!

We used to have the birthday letters in the window... I haven't gotten around to making new ones and the tradition has slightly died... I probably could resurrect it, but we might have a new tradition that works - the birthday bag optical illusion! Owen is jumping of the birthday bag! Surprise and hip hip hooray, it's your birthday! 

Owen has been counting down to his birthday ALL month (actually since my bday I think...) He's gotten really good at math as he subtracts to get the number of days left until HIS BIRTHDAY! And now it's finally here! Owen got a special treat being able to share his birthday with his cousins!
He really got to share it with his cousin Edmund, because today is Edmunds birthday too! He turned 8 today, Owen is 7. Opening gifts from his siblings and us - 
Edmund is waiting until they get back to Texas to open his presents. My mom said he really likes getting a b-day package in the mail, so even though she came over today and could have given it to him in person, he's waiting for the package. Cute. As for my kid, Owen really wanted a party... (what is it with kids and wanting to celebrate with friends? j/k, ha) but I did not have a party planned but Owen wanted one, so I texted our neighbors at the last minute to see if they could come, and it worked out great. One friend was on the way out to run an errand with his mom at just that moment, and she came and dropped them off instead, sweet. 
So there were enough friends over that it counts as one of his friend parties, yay for me, and O was happy to have them over, and if he's ok with a "party" like this, he can have one every year. We sang to Owen and Edmund - 
Blowing out the candles together~
I was pleased that no poor mothers had to worry about getting presents for him, and the kids all had fun eating cake and ice cream 
Peter and cousin Caleb - 
And then they went out to eat and play on the trampoline.
It's been fun having my little brother and his family here. They are staying in the basement, which we cleaned up a little bit on the carpeted side, to make room for Camilla and her kids last week and for Grant and his family this week. It's still plenty messy, but they are kind and gracious. I invited them to have sleepovers in the kids rooms if they wanted but they've stayed downstairs together, which is probably good, to keep some family time. Yesterday I watched all the kids while Grant and Steph went to a murder mystery dinner party. The theme was 1920s. Grant told me the theme and asked me if I had a black tie. 1920s? "We might... I know we have a zoot suit... do you want a zoot suit?" "You have a zoot suit?!?!" And I was glad that I hadn't cleaned up the basement too much, cause the zoot suits might have been on the chopping block! Hooray for me for holding on to all this junk! 
I thought they looked so awesome and I felt proud of myself that I was able to contribute to their fun! 
Butterfly update - I have so many baby caterpillars right now!! I moved all of them from their leaves and onto a fresh plant today - 
We hadn't had any butterflies emerge yet but I know this will be a record breaking year for us for monarchs! I'm excited!

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