Friday, August 26, 2022

Baby Mess & Butterfly BFFs

I haven't shared many pictures of Peter sleeping lately. He looked so sweet and peaceful this morning - 

Cute little guy with his hands tucked under his head, aww. Here's another cute face. 
Aww, Katharine! We love her. She's got lots of little mothers that like to take care of her. Natalie, for example, was changing Katharine's diaper today and guess what - Katharine totally made a mess all over! "Who? Me?" 
Yes, Katharine, you. 
She made a mess all over Natalie and all over my bed AND the floor in my room! The girls are very eager little mothers and love changing her clothes and her diaper too, but I've told the girls to NOT change her diaper for this exact reason, being that I was concerned that their reflexes would not help out if she were to poop during a change. You need the motherly reflexes to go toward the mess, not away from it. Natalie was changing her, and at the dreaded sound of farting/pooping, and Natalie jumped back and out of the way and fled. This is me being irritated at the situation, after giving K's bottom and legs a rinse. 
This is bad, cause baby poop is very colorful and color fast, which we learn from Sister Eubank means that this vivid yellow color might "not fade no matter how many times it was washed". But, in US Advantage I trust, so I grabbed my cleaner, some towels, and Natalie and I scrubbed away. 
She was sincerely sorry and she is a great girl. We scrubbed and scrubbed, and like the permanent marker on the carpet years ago, I think we got all of this out. Amazing. Just another day of motherhood and life with kids. So, they are liking school and are all doing well. Lily practicing music today after school with Katharine on her lap - cute... (That video is a youtube "short" so I can't embed it, or I don't know how yet...)

Our butterflies are doing well, too. We didn't have any emerge today, but I have 5 that became chrysalides today, and I found 5 eggs. Jerry/Tony/Aang and Maria/Katara are doing well at the moment, but Katara looked totally dead this morning. I thought she was a gonner. I let them spend the night outside and when I went to get them this morning she was on the ground and looked dead. I picked her up and she moved a little bit, put herself upright, and started to weakly walk. I gave her some food and she didn't perk up but she did hold onto her stick. 
Jerry's doing great and seems healthy and strong. And it really is so cool when he turns his head, it's like he's cracking his neck or something, so cool! I'll try to get it on camera. We put him outside for some flower time. Cute little guy.
I bought him some butterfly flowers at Home Depot - Black Eyes Susan, magenta Coneflower, And purple Butterfly Bush, and a big green Salvia plant that smells so nice! It's my favorite. Jerry also seemed to especially them. I am trying to figure out what to do with them - right now the flowers are all still in their temporary pot from the store. I had three inside today and let Jerry and Maria hang around on them - 
...but the plants need 6+ hours of sun, so I think I'll do one inside a day, and let them sleep on them inside, and then keep three outside, and will rotate them. 

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