Monday, September 5, 2022

Bowling & Ice Cream at BYU

We had our college kids up this weekend! They came up for dinner yesterday~

We prepared a feast and it was fun. Joseph went back to BYU at the end of the evening, cause he's a grown up, but Mel and Ethan stayed (you guys are grown ups too... they're just not as seasoned or independent as Joseph). I don't mind then staying home, cause when Mel's home, that means I can go on a bike ride! Corey and I even went on a ride together! We went to Corner Canyon and did Coyote TH to Anns to Ghost. It took us about an hour. Shout out to myself, I got 6 PRs. After that, the kids got ready and Ethan had to teach at the MTC today so we took them back down to BYU early and thought we'd bring everyone and make an outing of it. We went by Joseph's apartment to pick him up to join us. Here's all the people in my car - 
Then we went bowling at the Wilk.
It was fun, but none of us are good at bowling. After we went walking through the Wilk looking for ice cream. 
There was none to be found. 
All the restaurants in the eatery were closed except for Subway, so then we went outside and walked to the Creamery on 9th. That's more like it!

Most of the kids got ice cream, but a few chose fries instead. Corey bought ice cream, I was in the fries line. The Creamery was packed, so we went and ate it outside on a small spot of shade on the grass. 

Then walking back to the cars - 

And saying goodbye to Mel and Eth - 

Checking out what their apartments look like. Nice. 
And yeah, it was fun. Back at home, Wesley got the kids helping him blowing up balloons, he's asking to a school dance tomorrow. 

I know the school year has only just begun, but it was nice to have a day off.

...not that we're just sitting around fat and lazy on days off, RIGHT Katharine?!!? haha (she's so cute!)

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