Friday, September 2, 2022

Little Bit Sick

Hey there. Kids have been a little bit sick - sore throats and some coughs. Abi missed most of this week but went today. I haven't gotten them tested for covid. I think it's a lingering bug from the cough that their cousin Isaac had during Abi's car ride back from Nauvoo. 

Since we've kinda been hunkering down with kids not feeling well, I haven't run out for groceries for over 2 weeks. I finally went to Costco yesterday. Sometimes I let too long go by between my Costco runs, and then I get so much food that it amazes me. The Costco checkout employee asked if I was from out of town and this was my monthly grocery run. No, I just skipped a week of shopping and have a large family. I was also impressed that I was able to fit so much in around Katharine in her carseat as I loaded up! We un-buried her at checkout, and I asked for a flat cart and boxes, cause I didn't want to try and tetris everything in all around her again. When I left I got a "God bless you!" from the guy who loaded us up again. The bill was $800+ but I used our rebate and some cash to get it in the $300s, yay. 

I got some stuff for Abi's bday tomorrow, and cause I think college kids are joining us on Sunday for a combination celebration for Abi and Sophi's birthday. I got some presents for Christmas, and a dinosaur lego for Peter to open now, cause that's what happens when I take kids to the store - they see something and want it, and I give in. That's one reason why I try to go sans kids if I can. 

Corey went and got skis for the kids today, time to get ready for the ski season! What else... I haven't talked politics in a while... Corey reads up on the news every morning and will sometimes send me stuff or will share things with the kids when we gather after dinner. We both still think Trump is crazy. Him having the classified files at his home is nuts, and he pretends he's been framed or whatever but then after a photo of the documents is released he says "There seems to be confusion as to the picture where the documents were sloppily thrown on the floor and then released photographically for the world to see, as if that's what the FBI found when they broke into my home. Wrong! They took them out of cartons and spread them around on the carpet..." Um, that this is an admission that he had the documents and knew it. So funny, he just can't help himself. 

For butterflies - yesterday, I had one j-hook --> chrysalis and found 1 egg. Today we had 5 eclose: 4 female and 1 male. They are GORGEOUS!!!!
One enjoying the butterfly bush - 
Lily got to see some of them today after she got home, since it was an early out day for her jr. high. 
I'm glad monarchs are still around. After 2020 and 2021 were no-shows for any butterflies, I thought that perhaps our best days were behind us. I'm glad they're still here and that they've been so plentiful this summer! I'm grateful that there is still magic in the world!

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