Wednesday, September 7, 2022

New Fridge

Here's a cute picture of Daniel and his kindergarten girl friends all sitting around and admiring Katharine at the bus stop today, cute kids. 

Exciting news at home - we got a new Fridge today! Goodbye old Samsung with the stupid noise you made for years and your broken drawers and your leaky waterline. Hello to our new fridge which is a... oh no! A Samsung again!?!? I vowed I'd never buy a Samsung fridge again, just for spite, but Corey picked this one out on his own. Hmm. I guess we can try it. He texted me yesterday saying that a new fridge will be coming today between 1-3. It didn't come until 5, but that's ok. Daniel saying "cheese" for me as they took the old fridge away. I'm not sad to see it gone.

Our new one is all set up, except we still need a new waterline, so the water and ice aren't hooked up yet, and I'm a little nervous about having a bottom freezer drawer instead of freezer shelves, but it is a good opportunity to try something new. It was delivered later than planned, so dinner was later, and I didn't get out for a ride as early as I'd like, so I just went to Quail Hollow. It was nice enough, but too much neighborhood, I need more mountains. Sunset was nice though. 

Butterfly update: I've got 18 eggs, crossing my fingers for them! Mel's butterfly emerged today. It was black this morning and she left a note for her roommate to let her know if it came our, but it was still there when she was back around lunch time, and then it emerged while she was there! Yay!

Isn't he lovely!? Mel took him to class. 

She decided to name him Brahms because he flew around the room when they were playing a Brahams piece. Fun! She said she liked taking her butterfly for a walk on campus. I agree, they are fun and magical!

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