Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Glasses & Butterfly Shipment Prep

Sophi had an eye exam today. She stopped wearing her glasses over the summer and said she could see fine. I said ok but told her when school started we had to get the eye doctor's opinion. I had to change the appointment a few times cause of conflicts, but we made it to the appointment today. Poor Sophi was about in tears when we were done at picking out glasses at Walmart. She's not excited about getting glasses again. She said she doesn't feel pretty. 

She's beautiful, but it doesn't feel real if YOU don't feel it yourself. But we're looking out for the 20 year old Sophi who wants to have healthy eyes when she IS dating and looking to get married. Thus we don't mind if glasses slow her down a bit and keep her out of boy problems for a while. But we'll try to help her learn that feeling pretty is all in your head and what you tell yourself!

Corey texted me when we were on our way back from getting Sophi's glasses: "I took a butterfly outside" and I thought No!!! Luckily it hadn't flow away yet... it did crawl up higher on the branch, so Corey got a ladder and got it down and brought it back in. 

I did some research on monarch migration today - 
So, while it is possible that they could make it out of here before the freezing weather arrives on Sunday, I think it's too risky, cause it's going to be freezing all the way to Cedar City, and I just drove all that way... that's FAR. Thus, I'm not going to let nature take it's course with these pretty creations and I have arranged for them to go to St. George by car tomorrow. I have five that emerged today, 4 females and one male. 
I texted our neighborhood GroupMe and this is fall break for the school district that we live in, so I was sure someone would be going down, and sure enough, there is a biking tournament in St. George and one of our neighborhood families are going down! Sweet. So I worked for a portion of the day making a box to ship - a big cardboard candy box from Costco and I glued sticks across it for them to hold onto. I tried it out with a few of them, and then I scrapped it last minute when I saw how anxious the butterflies were to leave... I don't want them banging up their leaves on the hard sticks... Hmm. So I put them outside once it was dark and cold so that they'll sleep, and I made a new container that is smaller and covered with tulle ribbons to hold onto so that they don't break anything. 

So that's what I spent most of my day doing. We also talked to Hyrum today, and Natalie had a birthday party to at Get Air, and Lily had a concert rehearsal. Lots of running around and it is good that butterfly season is almost over cause I have to start taking care of the house and practicing violin again. I have five more that are dark and will hopefully emerge before I send them off tomorrow. Then I'll crunch numbers and see how we did this summer and what our official monarch count is!

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