Sunday, October 30, 2022

Hibbert Farewell

We went up to Davis County to my lil' brother's house to wish farewell to their oldest boy Conner. He will serve as a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ, teaching the Savior's gospel to the people in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. I was glad that we got a group Hibbert photo afterwards with my parents and sister Beka with her husband. That was a rare treat. Joseph and Melodie were there too!    

Conner is starting mission training tomorrow and is going to learn Spanish, exciting! We missed his talk in church because we had the Primary Program in our ward, and with 4 kiddos in the primary, we had to be there. 

We left after sacrament meeting and went up to their house to visit with Conner and his family. Melodie and Joseph were there for Conner's talk. 

My little brother is the bishop in their ward. He's the salt of the earth, and so are his wife and kids. We don't get together often enough. It was fun to visit and laugh and sing. Joseph played Piano Man, we were missing his harmonica though.

Joseph loving on Katharine - 
The kids had my phone and took picture of themselves. They like to make videos blowing raspberries and then putting it in slow motion. It makes for funny videos and still shots!
Haha, I posted an unflattering pic of my very conscious to try and look beautiful teen - that will teach them to use my phone! Poor Katharine had people shoving their fingers in her face most of the time there.
Maybe she didn't mind. She tried to voice an objection then got distracted by her sound. We stayed and visited, then decided we should go, so we started to move outside...
then all kept talking, ha!
Corey was sharing a few mission stories and we were giving what advice we could to prepare Conner a little bit for what's coming! Pretty exciting. Hard, wonderful, all the highs and lows of life. A mission is like a mini life experience. He's a great kid, he'll do great. 

On the drive home and on the way back, we listened to an ALL IN podcast with guest Jenedy Paige - I first heard of her years ago from a painting she did of Jesus as a babe in a manger "Little Lamb" - the research she did for it really impressed me. Anyway, the podcast was her sharing a story of how she's developed a personal relationship with God - through her "pjs" - Prayer - Journal - and Scriptures. She also shares of when one of her children died because of drowning, it made me cry. I am so impressed with her faith and trust in God. I was also impressed that she got on American Ninja Warrior! And the reasons why - just from a feeling/prompting! I want to be in tune and hear and know what the Lord would have me do in my life. I was (probably still am) an artist - I wonder if I can use that to serve the Lord somehow. I do have a bucket list goal to submit a piece to the Church's International Art Competition someday. 

Back at home, the kids were playing Klask, and Katharine was sitting at the little table watching him! She can sit!
I scooted around to get a picture of her cute self - 
Ahh!!! She's so little and so cute and getting so big!!! That table was like the perfect height for her to hold onto to keep her balance. Squee! So stinkin' cute
Joseph and Mel came home with us and Ethan got a ride up to SL too, just for a brief visit, and then before they left we took a photo of everyone in their Halloween costumes for tomorrow. Happy Halloween. Peter and Wes are my favorite. They are "Dinosaur Brothers".
Some of them might change their costumes still - most likely Natalie... I'm not sure what she was actually wearing in this pic - but she's got like 4 costumes lined up, we'll see which one she chooses tomorrow! 

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