Monday, October 10, 2022

Vacation Prep

Sophi and a small group of girls that are her age made a blanket for Katharine over the summer. They came and delivered it today - super cute. She took a nap in it this evening. She looked all comphy and cozy - 


Tomorrow we are leaving for a fall break trip. Plan is to leave right after school. I'm actually kinda ready with food an packed up, so that's promising, and maybe we'll actually leave close to the targeted time! My butterflies are all tucked away in their chrysalides, so things should be good here with all my summer pets. I am keeping them outside in case any of them emerge, but with the cooler temperatures at night, that might slow them down, The usual summer time metamorphosis time of 7-10 days has been taking longer. I have 16 chryslaides. I bet there will still be atleast 10 when we get back on the 16th. I was debating if I should give them to anyone, but if I did, I'd want them back after we returned, and I wasn't sure how to give them away but take them back, so I figured I'd just leave them here in the back yard. My butterfly friend Terry is going to check in on them when she walks her dog. I have gathered a ton of milkweed pods and I finished separating all the seeds and I went and sowed them all over the backyard and front yard. I hope our home becomes a milkweed haven. :) It helps that milkweed thrives in messy yards, cause that's what we specialize in. 

I didn't totally hog the seeds to myself though - I shared seeds with people at church and primary kids and anyone that wanted some. I'm hoping to spread the butterfly love by sowing a lot of milkweed! 

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