Sunday, November 13, 2022

Blowing Raspberries

Hello from everyone's favorite baby!
This little cutie has learned a new trick over the weekend. She's started blowing spit bubbles and has been practicing in all of her spare time. I recorded this video and then another one last night that was a little longer. The two of them together gave Melodie some good footage, and from that she made a compilation of Katharine's raspberries. It's adorable, gross, and I love it. Katharine hard at work:
Here are a few pictures Mel shared with me, I'm not sure when these were taken.
The "three sisters"! ha, take that Lily, Sophi, and Natalie! There's a new "three sisters" in the house. 
So Katharine is adorable and we're loving every moment with this still little 5 month old. She's been so busy though, she is ready to get walking and running and take on the world! I can feel her infanthood slipping away. I did get to snuggle her a little bit this afternoon - 
She usually doesn't fall asleep on me like this, so it was a treasured moment. Oh my goodness THOSE CHEEKS!
I know that when she's asleep, that is my one chance to get something done, so it's kinda tragic for productivity that that is also when I want to just stay with her and do nothing. 
Corey and the kids played scrabble tonight. 
They were allowed to spell words backwards, which shouldn't have been allowed... That's how Abi got 40 points for "zip" 
Natalie sleeping with Katharine tonight. K felt a little warm, we've had a few sore throats making the rounds this past week, hopefully the kids won't miss too much school this next week, but I guess it's that season. 

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