Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Climbing & New Clothes

Corey and I went climbing at Momentum this morning. Corey got himself and Wesley both 2 week passes, and they can bring a guest one time, so I went this morning to check it out. It was pretty fun I guess. 
Wesley came here for a YMAD activity recently, and then when we listened to the podcast with Jenedy Paige, that was another nudge for us to try out climbing. So Corey signed himself and Wes up. Today when I went with him, we went up on the treadmill for a few and then Corey belayed me on a few climbs. I couldn't belay him cause I'm not certified. I guess Corey and Wes got certified together. It was fun, I did a 5.5, then a 5.6, then a 5.8 twice, after that my arms were blasted, so we turned in the harnesses and did a few boulder V0 climbs. I could get into it I think. We'll see... Back at home, the little boys were taking care of themselves reading a toy magazine.
They were circling all the toys they want Santa to bring them. We left Wesley in charge, but it's always kinda cute when the little kids are up and seem to be taking care of themselves just doing their own thing. "I want that toy... and I want that toy..." repeat 5 times for every page in the magazine.
Yesterday at violin (above) Miss Amy gave us a cute little outfit for Katharine! It's like a perfect little Christmas outfit, green with little gold stars. 
KATHARINE! You are SO CUTE. Sitting on the bed helping me fold laundry.
And then we decided to up the fancyness of the outfit with a tutu and some shiny beads. Katharine chewing on pens, one of her favorite pasttimes.
We think she's tots adorbs
And this is how I feed Katharine solid food. I've started to mash up some sweet potatoes for her with a little bit of date sugar and coconut oil. We don't currently have a high chair, but even if we did I don't think we'd use it yet. I don't want her grabbing the spoon, so I prefer to feed her lying down, arms properly restrained under my knees, head mostly immobilized between my thighs.
Open up! It works pretty good, and sometimes when we do let her loose, this floor method has helped her to usually keep her hands down when she opens her mouth for a bite. 
Playing more with our doll - the Lion mane look - 
And Katharine as a real life flower!
Talking to Hyrum today - 
And Lily is into baking lately, not sure why. She made some pumpkin bread and she was pleasantly surprised that it actually looked like bread! Taste was top notch too! Good job Lil.

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