Friday, November 11, 2022

Truth Be Told

Hello! Here I am shortly after 3 PM on January 10, 2023. I am trying to catch up on the blog, and if I post for Nov 10 and 11th, I'll be "less than" 2 months behind, so we're going to try and keep it there and my current goal is to NOT let myself get more than 2 months behind on this thing... And wouldn't you know, it's a Tuesday and Hyrum just called, so I'll go talk to him while I do chores. I'll be back in an hour or so. 

Ok, back (9 PM). And that's how it usually goes. Actually I'm not back yet, I just got on here to print a dishes chore chart and a "100 Days" practice chart for the kids... one sec more and then I'll be back...

Ok, back again, but now it's January 11 at 11 pm. And that is how my life goes, and is also why I'm so behind on the blog. Ok, so let's look at the photos I took on November 10th and 11th and see if I can come up with something to say. Here is our LOVELY Katharine - she's the cutest!

That photo is from Nov 11, but it's the best one from these two days. I usually try to put one of the best photos as the first of the post. Other pics I had for this day were of a trumpet song for Owen, and a pic of the moon that I took when I was picking up Lily from the bus stop I think - it looked so cool!
Lily and Abi take the bus to GMS for their lessons, Abi on Tuesdays, Lily on Wednesdays. For these two days, I also had a pic/screenshot from a video by the Bible Project's of the book of Joel, which we were studying as a church this week. I like the Bible Project videos! They are so good. I'd love to have all of them printed and put in my scriptures. I wonder if they sell them. That would probably be too small... My Sunday school lesson "isn't" (wasn't) until the 20th, but I love the book of Joel because of how it ties into the visit of Moroni to Joseph Smith, so I tried to get ready with it incase there was anything I wanted to share about that during my lesson. Sophi and Natalie had a violin rehearsal for their solo concert on Saturday which I decided to put the link for, since I have blogged that one. They had their rehearsal, then back home and Corey and I went out to eat. If anything else interesting happened that day, I can't remember and I'm not going to go back and look through texts right now. But maybe someday in the future I'll come back and update with anything. 
And with that, yay, I'm "less than 2 months behind"! And it's 11:39 pm, good night. 

One last thing - I just looked at the post after this, and I had one of the photos I put on this post, so I took that off, and I'm also changing the date of this to Thursday now, cause it looks like I gave a sum up of Friday Nov 11th in that Saturday Nov 12th post. So yeah, I just thought I'd give all the boring details of my editing here. C-ya

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