Tuesday, January 31, 2023

100th Day of School

Today was the 100th day of school for kindergarten. Daniel and his friend Millie got dressed up and Millie's mom gave them gray hair. With the walker and cane, they make a pretty cute pair.

Another funny thing about kindergarten. Yesterday I got a text from a mother of another kindergartener friend of Daniels. She let me know that her son came home with a very generous gift from Daniel - a $20 bill! Her son said that Daniel gave it to him because they "are such good friends!" So, haha, that' what I get for leaving cash by my computer! She venmo'd me back, but I thought that was pretty funny too. 

Owen had a fun day today - he was able to bring home the class pet, a cute Webkinz horse. I can't remember the horses name, but they did Math together...
Went roller blading in the kitchen...
...played with Owen's Ninjago legos. 
And Owen was able to teach the horse a little bit about playing the trumpet.
They had such a fun day together. I love the cute and simple lives of elementary kids. 

I had an idea yesterday that it might be fun to present something at BYU Education week. I'm making it as a goal, even though I've never done anything like that. I've led discussions with a lot of audience participation in our ward's Sunday school classes, but I haven't ever had a power point and done all the talking. Well, I guess I have given a talk a few times at church, but those are usually pretty messy and I'm winging it. I had one that was well organized and good a few years ago. Anyway, any proposal needs to be submitted by September this year to teach in Aug 2024, so I'm making a goal of that. 

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