Thursday, January 26, 2023

Rough Night & GTI Open House

I had a rough night yesterday. 

I sent a message to Corey at 3 am just to vent and for some emotional support in my trial. She had been crying for an hour, wouldn't nurse. The water tank was fixed on the 25th, but after giving it several hours to heat up the tank, we still didn't have hot or warm water. Another technician came by again that same day and said the OTHER tank (Dec 2013 one) was bad too - the pilot light wasn't coming on. But he did turn some dial on the new tank and with that we did have some warm water. I was grateful to have enough for a bath. I only put in "hot" water and had it all the way on full blast, and with that I had a decently warm bath with Katharine. In the warm bath, she was acting all sweet like she hadn’t been totally freaking out for the past two hours. We finished in there and she finally nursed and I went back to bed at 4:45 am. I felt like today was going to be shot, but it turned out ok, K and I both took a small nap. I was still able to function and I took Owen to his trumpet lesson, and Lily came along with us, because after his lesson we went by the Granite Technical Institute building for their "GTI Open House". It was something that Corey wanted Lily to go to, so that she could go check out the computer animation class. Lily is an amazing illustrator. I don't know if I've mentioned that before. It was at a GTI open house, when Wes was tagging along with Hyrum, that Wes discovered architecture. So we were hoping the same inspiration might come for Lily, and it did.

I got super excited too! It looked so fun and cool!

We enjoyed cookies from the cooking class too. 

So many subject to study and things to learn. When we got back home, my heart was happy to see that the kids were helping out take care of their younger siblings. Natalie reading to Peter, aww.

Such good kids. Time to gather them up, read, and head to bed.

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