Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The Usual

Life's just been the usual the past two days. School for everyone, Daniel to kindergarten. Peter and Katharine came with me when I walked him down to the bus yesterday. Two cute kids in a wagon. 

We had a P-day phone call with Hyrum yesterday, too. It's fun when all the older kids are able to join. They often are making me and each other laugh. Hyrum noticed what he was doing in the video of himself, and commented how small his eyes were... so then the other tried it. 

It is really fun having these kids grow into fun adults and to see them becoming good friends. Yesterday Natalie had activity days yesterday and Abi had her flute lesson. Declutterd a little bit - put some books in the donate pile. And Corey wants us to go skiing this weekend so he booked a night at Wolfcreek for Thursday and we're going to to ski at Snowbasin on Friday. Should be fun.

Today Lily had clarinet and I picked up carpool. I did a lot of stretching. I ordered the Hyperbolic stretching thing and my 60 day money back guarantee is about up, so I figured I better see if I like it. And it's good, I was surprised that there were a lot of arm stretches and I like those so much, so I think I'll let him keep my $29, I got my money's worth from that. Today after Abi was home I took her to my moms to do some work. Wes, Abi, Lily, AND Sophi (I keep forgetting that Sophi is in YW now...) had a game night at the church, and Wes taught the youth in our ward how to play gaga ball. Wes says it was a hit! Here's Natalie in her "usual" pose, ha!

Actually this was a first for me to see. I just walk by at 7:15 tonight and she's treating herself to a spa facial on the couch, so funny. 

I kinda wasted time on my phone today, will do better tomorrow. I sent a few hairdo's to Mel over Instagram, including one quick tutorial of a Korean Messy Bun and I like it. Sorry I don't know how to share those here. Let's see if it's on youtube... oh I found it! This is the exact one. Here's how it looked on me. 

I'm really shaking things up with doing a different version of a messy bun. 

I'm feeling like a new person, ha. Cause this isn't just the same old top bun that I've been doing for the past 3 years. (It kinda is... but Abi admitted it looked different! So yeah, I tried a "new" hairstyle.

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