Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Play by Play Travel Day

We are traveling home today - here's the play by play as I'm able to sneak in a few notes here and there throughout the day. Started off at 7 am Eastern Daylight Time with waking up sleepy kids to have another free breakfast at the Springville Suites in Centreville, Virginia. Cute sleepy Peter -
Katharine playing under the chairs. She loved it - they stuck together to make a cute little bird cage for her. She didn't want to come out. 
We heard weather in Utah is crazy right now - like there was 27 inches of snow over the weekend or something nuts like that. Alta is up past 800 inches for the season, and the Great Salt Lake has risen 3 feet, so that's good. We were hoping the flight into SL wouldn't get cancelled... Corey got an email from Delta about possibly changing flights if we wanted, and we are open to it... we definitely do NOT want to get stuck with kids in the airport. But things looked fine from here in spring time Virginia - plane was scheduled on time, so we headed out. Plus we didn't want to rent the cars for longer. Like our trip to Hawaii, the car rental was the most expensive part of the trip. Corey still hasn't figured out how to play that game. We left the hotel at 10:30, drove by the LDS chapel that we used to go to, then took the cars back to Thrifty. Bathroom break for little boys, then all aboard the shuttle bus to the airport.
Escalator down at Dulles. Heading to B73.
Cute Peter on the train to the terminal.
Baby K excited to be heading home.
12:50 flight slightly delayed. Kids watching Star Wars on the tablet.
K fell over and bonked the back of her head and was sad. 
Time to board!
Peter scanning his ticket, so cute. 
It was a super small plane - just 4 seats across. I was sitting next to some guy and with Peter across the isle from me. Everyone else was in the back together. Not fair for me to have both the little kids, plus I didn't want to nurse her there, so I made Sophi take Peter's seat and Natalie took mine. Now I was by Corey and Peter by Wes. BUT Katharine had to be on the other side, cause that was the only one that had the extra oxygen mask, so Wes took Katharine and she was so good for him. She was feeding him bits of cereal, and everytime she'd reach to put a piece in his mouth, she'd instinctively open her mouth, it was so funny. 
No movies on the chairs, but it was a short flight. Yay we arrived safely in Detroit in Terminal C, then headed over to Terminal A gate 10. 
Corey stopped in the Sky Lounge for a few moments to relax. No worries kids, I bought wafers last night for you! 
They happily ate the junk food I provided while they continued watching Star Wars. 
They were all into the movie by the time we had to board. 
Katharine found a secret hiding spot. 
She was so good on the plane. She was wiggly for me, then I passed her to Corey and she fell asleep. 
She really likes the informational flyers.
She is adorable.
Katharine helping us get the baggage. 
7 suitcases and 2 carseats, and we're good to go! Mel and Wayne were there at pick up 7 to get us, yay! Hugs for Mel!
And we're home. It looks like the north pole. Wow! I shoveled the stairs but we mostly left it in the driveway. Neighbors cleared it atleast twice, so it was doable for Corey's car to pass over. It is supposed to be in the 60s this Saturday and all next week, so it will be gone soon.
My sister left some goodies for the kids on the counter! 
Sweet! Kids at chips and treats and I didn't have to  make dinner. I started laundry, so did Mel, and I'm taking her to frontrunner in a few. Some liquid detergent got knocked off the dryer and the lid broke and it oozed out all over the floor, so that was dumb. But other than that, it is so so great to be home and the tub is going to be fixed tomorrow I hope and there's a lot of laundry to do. Little kids are home for spring break this week, I think being in the eastern time zoon will help get right back into our routine. Wes has seminary tomorrow and will take Lily to jazz band, so time for us all to go to bed! 

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