Friday, April 7, 2023

Simple Goodness

We have a dear neighbor who passed away on Sunday March 26. I've been reading "Amazing Grace" - about William Wilberforce (By Eric Metaxas), and so with that on my mind and also thinking about Eric, I've been pondering on the way that simple GOOD men have blessed the world. Eric is a man like that. We new his time was short, but we thought he'd have a few weeks. We were in DC when we got news of his passing, and I was sad thinking we'd probably miss his funeral. I was thankful when I learned it would be after we got home. We went to the viewing last night and his funeral was today. 

He and Lisa are two of my heroes.

I didn't know until yesterday that they were married in the DC temple!

A few more things I learned today - Elder Christofferson was Lisa's bishop when they got married!  Elder Christofferson came and spoke today, and shared that the first time he met Eric was when he talked to them before their wedding. 

And I also learned today, after looking at the program, that Eric and I share a birthday! I hadn't noticed that when I read his obituary. So I'm trying to think of a present I could give her on his birthday later this month. I shall keep thinking about that and will hopefully get some inspiration. Their children shared wonderful stories today. Joseph was there with me and here are some of the notes he took. (I'll try to go through these later and share my thoughts and what I remember. Some of the "I"'s here are Joseph, some are him quoting Eric, quoted by his kids):


What do I want to be remembered by? What impact do I want to leave on the world He lived his life in crescendo 

I will never be upset with you for something like this. It’s just a car. If you had lied to me , then we’d have a problem. My dad comes is all problem ownership

Never get mad with your children over a mistake made that can be resolved with money.

“Get to bed” is the most mad he got

In his homecoming talk “You have given me so much that I have no reason to hope a speedy recovery and for my health to improve”

Telling his kids what he wanted his funeral to be like- Be happy- eat good food- Celebrate the restored gospel and the plan of salvation (a map to eternity)- Brief services The great things and happiness the Lord has prepared for them that love Him

Let my testimony be worn on my sleeve
A sanctified person
Talk of Christ, rejoice in Christ, preach of Christ“
As kids we were often embarrassed by our parents public displays of affection. They seemed like they were still on their honeymoon”
Leave no doubt of my love and devotion of my future wife

Let’s get after it when it comes to living the gospel and Missionary work
Work, Pray, Obey, and Laugh
Pray more intently, repent, obey the commandments of God, be a better follower of Jesus Christ
After burying the dog 3 feet from the deck, “get in the car, we’re late for lagoon”
Making good out of bad circumstances
Didn’t use the word hurry. He would say “run like you stole something” instead

A man without guile
Not flexing his muscles or bring personal gain
Do everything to glorify God

When giving advice he would first ask what you thought
Then say “Sounds like you’re thinking of all the right things”
He knew the Holy Ghost will help you in your decision
John 11:25-26 “whosoever livery and believe that in me shall never die”
Let’s get after it.

How do you get to know and love so many missionaries?
My mission will be one if the happiest time of my life, serving alongside my wife

People that I miss folder with obituaries
How wonderful that he is now reunited with people who also missed him

How to do Justice in a talk about a remarkable life“
If you knew my dad, he probably made you laugh”
Use humor to connect with people and uplift, even with strangers
Diffuse tension and sadness by making people laugh

Who do I represent?Jumping out and scaring his son in the shower while touring a new home
Laughing like a little girl, so hard he couldn’t lift me up from the floor
Can I get anyone to smile?
“Here’s a challenge”

After a hard day of chemo, talking to his son, son say "I'm so sorry you have to go thorugh this..." Eric replies - “It’s okay. I’m just doing this for the attention. I want to see how much stuff people will get me” always tried to turn focus away from himself.

How do I see people?
“Ah there’s my friend”
“Dad there’s no way you know that guy”
“Yeah I do, we’re best friends. He just doesn’t know it yet”
Son thinking If this goes south it’s up to me to get us out of here
Look at people with friendly eyes and you’ll see friends everywhere because you make friends
Put my hand on their shoulder like we went to high school together 

The kind of dad that made sure you always ate dinner together
Didn’t let the school year start without giving a fathers blessing
Fill water balloons in the 4th if July to throw at people in the granite parade (pic 5 here)
Wake you up early to read scriptures
Made sure you always had family prayer
Never hesitated to tell you he loved you
Draw a line in the hand on a hike to have a rock throwing contest

Every deacon wanted a turn getting lassoed
Connecting with the kids, commanding their attention. Then he had them in the palm of his hand to teach them

“One of my favorite things about my dad was how he treated my Mom” Not one did I ever hear him say a disparaging remark to her or about her when she wasn’t in the room Constantly treated her like a Queen
Never seen him not open the door for her
Always walk on the inside of the street

Despite being easy going he was not casual in the way he practiced his faith.
His testimony was a part of his very core
He was intense
He is not here. He is risen

The last words he spoke were “Thank you”

“I wish more people could have known him”
Saying “we’ll miss you dad” doesn’t feel like enough
Brought dignity, respect, and honor to the Ensign name

Make it hard for me daughters to find a husband who measures up to the way their dad treats their mom

Elder Christofferson
Honored to say even a word of tribute to such a fine great man
Thank the missionaries for their tribute in song. Eternity is where you can sit down and take as long as you want

I liked him because I was “D Todd and he was D. Eric”
Not sure if he was worthy for her. But she loved him and he loved her Psalms 116 precious in the sight of the Lord the death of his saints
“Thou shalt weep over the dead” D&C 42:45-47Those who die in me shall not taste if death for it shall be sweet in me

Joseph F smith revelation on the Spirit World
We do not cease to love them
They can see us better than we know then
They love us now more than ever
Each release from this life is a call to new labors70 billion people in the spirit world
Helping hundreds there
Talent and love are never wasted
There are thousands who will respond to will respond to his magnetic personality 

The Pilgrim Song
I have found a land that doth abound with milk and honey Sing the Christian song, I am going to live forever
I love to tell this story

They who are righteous shall be righteous still
We have our Fridays but Sunday will come
Blessing Lisa
This time of separation can still be sweet with anticipation of what is to come

Visit the widows
Here’s a man to live life well
Did all to bless and lift where he could, in the manner of the Savior
I want my favorite candy at my funeral
Show people how it works. Like the Book of Mormon
Spiritual gifts as we serve others and fun full of callings
Get done what you need to do quickly

So that's all of Joseph notes (he's a pretty good note taker! And I think all of that was on his phone too!)  After the funeral, I went to climb and then picked up carpool, then I went to the church to help with the funeral lunch. I hadn't signed up to do anything, but I was sure there would be something I could help with, so I did dishes and mostly helped clean in the kitchen. It was nice to see Lisa and she gave me a hug as I washed. Lisa and Eric have been a wonderful example of what a lovely marriage looks like, and as we saw the photos of their beautiful family last night and today, it just made my heart happy. I'm excited for the future I have with Corey and with our children, here on earth and in the eternities. Eric is gone from this world, but his spirit lives on and he is doing important work on the other side. I know his family looks forward to being reunited with him again. We Latter Day Saints are so blessed to believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and to feel and KNOW that we too will be resurrected and will be with our God and our loved ones FOREVER. 

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