Monday, April 10, 2023

Spaceships & Swords, Bike & Beggars

My children are gifted at Legos. Wesley has been making spaceships for his little brothers, which are really cool, and which they love! And then they bejewel them with lots of decorations. Here's is Peter's current ship.

Wesley thinks they kind of ruin it, but it's ok. 

Here's the level that Peter is at - this little pod ship, so cute. 

Wes in October - made a spiderman space ship for Peter.

Wes took it up a notch up with his awesome creations by making lego SWORDS again! He made this "lightening sword" for Daniel on Saturday. 

(Daniel is hiding behind the blade because he had a bloody nose.) Wesley first created lego swords back in 2018. He made these for the boys last week, and they have been playing Ninjago with their swords over the course of last week. 

The Ninjas joined us for scriptures. Ninja Cole (Black), Ninja Jay (Blue) and Ninja Lloyd (Green). 

These little boys are lucky to have a talented big older brother who makes such awesome creations for them, and can make them ninja masks too! 

Wesley can make a mask out of any ordinary solid color t-shirt. Here is a quick tutorial video that Wes made after a request from one of my mission comps over facebook. :)

Ok, and now a story - today is Monday, April 10th. Yesterday morning, before church, Corey asked if he could show me something. "Yes..." and then he said "I want you to know that we will get through this." Uh oh, what happened. He took me to the garage. He was talking about last night when I was at the temple, and when he got home, I still didn't know what was going on as I looked around, looked at the cars...  I didn't know what he was talking about, and then he said how he was going to go on a ride... then I did. I knew what he was talking about. Then I saw it. Or rather, I didn't see it. I gasped as I realized that his bike was gone. It might have been missing for a while, neither of us noticed it until he came home last night to go on a bike ride, but his bike wasn't there. We don't know when it was taken, but we are both very sad. That was his nice Fezzari bike, that he liked to ride so much that he rode it everyday. I feel sad and a little mad that a person or people would just take something out of someone's home that is obviously NOT theirs. It makes you feel a bit violated. At church, I told the sad news to some of our biking neighbors, so that they can mourn with us. I think it's probably a necessary part of our grieving process. Corey is taking it very well. And I hope that whoever took it repents and brings it back, or that they get caught somehow and the bike is returned. But we shall carry on with our lives regardless and will trust in God to provide for us. 

Sigh. So that was sad.

On Saturday I ran errands, and at Walmart I basically got accosted by this big lady who was harassing me for money. I said I would take her in and buy her food, but she said she needed cash to pay for her hotel. She had a 3 or 4 year old child with her, who was sleeping in a stroller. With her pushing me, I did relent to go inside and I bought a bag of chips, which I gave to her, which she started eating right away, and then I gave her $20, and then she left without saying thank you and it just left such a negative feeling in me. It was a bad experience. Next time I am not going to have a debit card on myself. After that I sent a voice message to Corey and then walked around the store to calm down for a bit. I got what I needed there and then I went to Costco, and... the same thing happened again! This lady wasn't as pushy, and she approached me as I was loading my car. I offered her some of the food in my cart, but she said she needed cash, I said I didn't have any (which was true) and then she said thank you and left. I am wondering if these ladies are being pressured by their husbands or boyfriends or some pimp to go beg? Do they have to make a quota or they'll get beaten? I do not doubt that they are in need, but there was something weird about it. I finished loading my car and then headed to the neared Chase bank to get cash. I planned to go back and find her, but the Chase I went to didn't have an ATM.  So then I needed to get back home so I left. It made me wonder if this is a regular Saturday thing that people do? A few hours later I left for the temple, and just out of curiosity, I went by Walmart again just to see, and sure enough, there was a lady with a kid doing the same thing. They pulled in right behind me, and I saw the beat up van in my rear view mirror and I noticed a little kids' head as if he was walking free inside the van. I saw a lady and kid get out with a sign, and she started going straight up to people again, asking for money. I watched the guy wait in the car with other kids. This lady looked similar to the one I had seen at Costco earlier. Makes me curious. I am going to think of what I could do. Maybe I'll go look for them on Saturdays and offer them lunch bags or blankets or invite them to a park for dinner. Corey asked where they were from. The first lady was hispanic and we spoke a little bit in Spanish, the one at Costco might have been from Arabia or India, could have been latino too, I'm not sure. Anyway, it was weird and has been bothering me all day. Maybe I'll have little care kits in the car with some food and a first aid kit and a card with information about local shelters. 

Ok, so that was Saturday. What else happened this weekend... bike stolen, accosted by beggars...  and legos. I guess that's a good enough report for now. I went biking this morning, just on a quick 6 mile loop. Corey was sad that he wasn't able to join me. There was a Fezzari spring sale going on for 33% off so Corey's looking at that and might order one. We need to get his bike replaced soon. We have to for his health and so we can increase our mortal longevity, as we still have a lot of childrearing ahead of us and we don't want our little ninjas or baby K to be orphans. 

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