Saturday, May 6, 2023

100 Percent

Took a ride up the canyon this morning, just to the to avalanche and back. We didn't climb over it today. Soccer games today for Owen (at 9) and Daniel (at 12). Abi had a Spring Pathway Concert tonight. I need to get a photo of it from Corey. Kids were playing chess tonight and having arm wrestles - 
I'm not sure any of them know how to play chess, but it's cute seeing them try.
So, I've still been tinkering around with an "I want to be a Life Coach" idea. If I had a couple hundred thousand dollars of discretionary income, I'd consider blowing $18K of it on getting Certified at the Life Coach School, cause that is where Jody Moore and my life coach Laura Dixon both certified and I really like using the Model. But, unfortunately, that doesn't seem like the best option for me at the present moment. But, I still would like to be certified, so that I can feel a little more official as I start toying with this coaching thing. When we flew out to DC, I brought along and read a BYU Marriott Magazine article called "Let Joy Find You", (which is now in my life coaching stuff binder) and in that, there is a Jenny lady who is mentioned, followed by "a BYU alumna and certified life coach..." and it doesn't specify which school, and granted, those who know which ones are best will know the difference, but still, I was like "Nobody cares! I just need to be certified!".. so... I bought a little silly online course for $150 bucks, and I'm working on it, and it says it's a 6 week course, so my goal is to stay on track and finish this in 6 weeks (before I teach a class to the ladies in our ward for a Relief Society activity (I'm going to be the facilitator for Jody Moore's RS activity "How to be Happier" class on June 21st)) so that's my goal, to be certified before that happens in June. (Sorry that was a major run on sentence.) ANYWAY, I am pleased to announce and pat myself on the back because I took notes on all the reading this week and I was a good little student, and I took my Week 1 quiz on Thursday, and I don't mean to braaaaag but I got 100%, oh yeah...
There were eleven multiple choice questions, so that's kinda lame. Oh well. It was too easy, so I guess I'd prefer to do hard things. This is not going to be one of them. 100% without even looking at my notes (although I think you can do that if you want.) Granted, this was super easy, so easy, in fact, that I decided to keep going and did Week 2 readings and wrote notes and took that quiz yesterday... and that was only 6 multiple choice questions. I got 100% on that too, yaaaay.
So far it's kinda so easy that it feels a little stupid and dumb, but I'm still going to do this little course and get certified. I hope I learn something that is worth learning. If not, atleast I'm going on my 3rd year with an amazing life coach in Laura Dixon, and she's amazing, so that exposure is helping me a lot. There are also lots of great podcasts. Three that I enjoy listening to are:
  1. Laura Dixon's "Naturally Thin for Life" 
  2. Jody Moore's "Better Than Happy" 
  3. Stephanie Hibbert "Shining Through" 
They all have really great stuff! 

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