Sunday, June 18, 2023

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Corey! The kids brought home little gifts from church, and Wes made Corey this cute card/drawing. I love it. 

Corey has done a great job. Well, with what he's done so far. We recognize that the job isn't finished yet, and probably won't ever be! We love it and are grateful to have been able to lose our life in this way. (Matthew 16:25). I taught the lesson in Sunday School, Luke 22 and John 18. Pretty big topic, the Lord's suffering in the Garden. I'm glad that we're taking it slow and spending time with each part of the last week of the Savior life. Next week is the cross, then on July 2 the resurrection. Also, talking about how "Conversion is an ongoing process" and having a change of heart - I feel like that has been the main theme in the whole New Testament this year - being converted, not even getting angry, having a change in our hearts and very nature. Also, taking a hint from where the Savior drew his strength from during his great suffering -  

Some stuff from Matthew 26 and Luke 22. I really enjoy teaching and getting to prepare so much, I feel like I learn so much during the week, it's hard to share it all in just 40-50 minutes! 

The college kids came home so that was fun to have them here for a visit today. We watched some Veggie Tales and we learned a song that we'd never known of before - Pizza Angel. The kids all thought it was pretty catchy and they've been singing it and Wes is learning the chords for the piano. Tonight as they were having fun, I heard them all calling for me to come downstairs to see what Ethan was doing with Katharine. This is what I saw. Pretty cute! (Sorry I don't think I can embed this one cause it's a "short"?) Love it. It was a good day.

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