Friday, June 16, 2023

Ferguson Canyon

This morning I got up early and went on a hike again with some friends! We're the Friday morning Dawn Squad! 

Last week we were at Red Butte Peak and today went and explored Ferguson Canyon. I have driven past this canyon several hundred times over the past 10 years, but didn't even know it was there. I think I learned that there was a trailhead last year, but this was my first time  seeing it. It was gorgeous and I loved it so much! 

There is lots of tree cover and shade, so this would even be a good hike during the day. Back at home, Corey invited us all to his belated birthday breakfast.

Pancakes, orange slices, and then he headed into work. I got brave and brought the kids to Ferguson Canyon in the afternoon. They were planning on going to the park for a picnic, but I hijacked their plans (since they needed me to drive them) and said we were going on a hike instead. On our way in, with full sun... 

I was crossing my fingers that I was right thinking that we'd have shade even during the middle of the day, and thankfully we did. Lily carried Katharine on the way up - 

There was a bit of kids saying they were tired (mostly Peter) and kids asking if we were at the spot yet, and since this was just my second time in the canyon (the first time being this morning) I wasn't totally sure of distances or locations. But we kept going. I told them we were looking for a bended branch. We passed a few cool spots, and the kids would ask "Is this the spot?" It did look like a good place for a picnic, but I saw an even better spot this morning. Let's keep going. Look for the big bendy branch! Soon we saw it - Yes! That's the branch!
That was the sign that we were at the right spot that I thought the kids would love. And they did love it. The kids saw the surrounding waterfall and small sandy banks surrounding it. It was perfect! It took us 35 minutes to get to this spot (I think this morning it was like 20 minutes for just us moms without any toddlers).
The kids started climbing the fun twisted trees and branches. It was a fun little magical place! 
There were not very many other people either. Some hikers came by, but it was pretty low key. We had a nice private picnic in the mountains - We found quite a few caterpillars on a rock. 

The caterpillars were lucky we didn't sit on them. And maybe we did accidentally squish some of them, but we tried to be careful with the caterpillars, worms, and Rollie pollies that were all around. Abi making sandwiches. 

We also stopped by the grocery store on our way in and got grapes and cheeze-it crackers. Cute Katharine - she held one cheese-it cracker and nibbled on it for quite a while - we could see her little two teeth wide bite marks. Super cute. 

I hiked up in socks and shoes, but I probably need to get Tevas or some kind of active wear sandal. I wanted to lay down in the cool stream but I resisted and was content to sit for a few minutes. Got wet, but it was fun. 

Hiking back down. Lily wanted to go rock climbing and got up a little way on the rock wall. We'll have to come back for that Lil! (after I learn about how to climb outside)

Abi carried K on the way back, and she fell asleep, aww.

All done with our hike - one more pic. Beautiful day and beautiful valley behind us - 

They admitted it was worth the hike and they are excited to come again. 

Wes took his turn being sick today. He didn't feel well last night and threw up around 4. And then a few more times today. 

I've been lucky that so far, there hasn't been a huge carpet mess yet. Two on the wood floor and one in the sink ,which I prefer to carpet scrubbing. Hopefully we're almost finish with this bug? Although there's a chance that we're only over half way done? CWALND done, TSOK to go?

Corey went to visit his mom today and then worked at his parent's house. I picked him up for our date and we went to Beaumont Cafe. I like the citrus beet salad. Corey got the fruit french toast. I also got a big mound peanut butter chocolate chip cookie too that was so good - I ordered another one to have tomorrow. It was tasty. Corey has been working late tonight, but I'm going to go get kids ready for bed - hoping to go to Corner Canyon tomorrow morning for a ride with Corey! I'm loving biking on these summer mornings!

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