Friday, June 23, 2023

Lily is 14!

Happy Birthday to Lily!

Katharine not sure why we are all singing to her again? Lily was playing it low key and didn't want to be in front of the camera, and thus is demonstrating her perfected art of the baby shield in that pic above. I guess it's good that she was playing it like a b-day is no big deal, cause I've been doing that too. I did have a gift, but it wasn't something on her list, so I let her see it and if she wanted it, she could have it and cash, or I could just give her cash. She chose the $50 bucks. I don't mean to be so lame, but I'm going to blame it on me just getting old and being tired. I've put in a valiant effort toward birthday celebrations for many years. I might be time to streamline things. But it's not cause I don't love you Lily! I promise! I didn't do anything for Katharine and you all know that I love her. Today is Lily's lucky 14th birthday. 14 is my lucky number, so the kids all get that as their lucky number too by default. My mom brought by some ice cream cakes and ice cream cones that the kids (and I) all gobbled up. 

I don't plan on doing b-days for my grandkids like my mom does for my kids. I will try to do a little better though for the little kids in the next few years... although I don't plan on doing great for the older kids (probably Natalie and older). I already have apologized to Wes for how lame his birthday will be on Sunday. 

Today we did go and visit Corey's mom in the hospital. They took out the ventilation tube, so that's good. She might not feel it, but she looks a ton better, and for that we are very grateful. She was still in the intensive care when we went by. Only kids 14 years and older are allowed back. Abi and Sophi went back first (Sophi did not deceive anyone, they knowingly let her pass even though she was underage.) Lily was there as a honestly and fully fledged 14 year old.

Most of the kids chilled in the waiting room while we old enough persons went back to see Grandma.
Katharine was being a cutie pie today. The kids found the bin of dolls in the basement yesterday when Peter had a little girl friend come over.
Katharine is excited about the babies!
You are aware that you are a baby too, right K?
A baby loving babies. We've got another little mother on our hands. This morning I went on a hike again with friends. We did Circle All, which I had never heard of. It started at the Butler Fork Trail, which I had also never heard of. You'd think I would have know about this place, since I've lived less than 12 miles from it most of my life, but alas, I had not. It was great though, and I'm excited to come up here again.
For date night, I was feeling generous and picked up Little Caesars pizza for the kids, per Abi's request "for Lily's birthday" - so nice of Abi to be looking out for Lily's b-day celebration. The kids played the Wii and Corey and I went out to Bandits for dinner, and then on the way home, we took a spur of the moment hike in Ferguson Canyon. I took Corey to the spot that we had out picnic last week. 
It was fun. and we met a nice couple from India, visiting from Orange County. Corey and him exchanged phone numbers and Corey invited them to go biking and skiing next time they are in town, so we'll be sure to share pics of that when that happens some day in the future!

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