Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Jupiter Peak Hike

I joined some lovely friends on an early hike this morning.
Let's see if I can name everyone... Jill, Me, Stephani, Jess, Debbie, Katie, Audrey, Amy, Elasha, Caroline, and Barbara! That's a solid turn out for a Wednesday morning activity! This wasn't a dawn squad group, just wonderful ladies in my church ward's "Relief Society". We met at the church at 7, drove up Big Cottonwood Canyon, over Guardsman Pass, and parked at the Blood Lake Trailhead. Some of the trail was in the sun, some in the shade.
Some of the group was a little older and a little slower, and that's ok. We ended up having a few of us go quickly to Jupiter Peak and the rest just kept going until we were on our way back. The wildflowers were lovely!
Stephani, me, Katie, and Jess. 
Katie is doing a lot of hiking in preparation for a trip to hike Kilimanjaro in September. I had memories of Jupiter Peak from a wrong turn on a bike ride two years ago. Good times. Today I did a quick headstand (to add to my collection...) I have been having a little bit of weird vertigo lately, so I used the pole on the peak to balance a bit. 
We met back up with the rest of the group, and some of them were sitting in a ski lift chair. Looked fun! So we got on too. 
Picture from behind.
So that was fun. It was good to be outside and especially in the mountains. Another bit of nature has been close to our home. A cute little humming bird made it's nest right outside our dining room window. We can see it from the table. It is on the skinny end of a pine tree branch, tucked under the porch. Cute little thing! I found one broken egg on the rock underneath it a few weeks ago, as I was going to look at milkweed. I looked up from the broken egg and that's how I noticed the nest. We are hoping that her eggs stay safe this time!  

Hyrum called yesterday for p-day. It's sad that JeNeal passed before he was able to see her, but it was bound to happen eventually, since the odds are good that we will often have a kid gone on a mission. He is taking it well.
Today at 1:30, I went with my sisters in law, Nancy and Chalane, to he funeral home to finish putting JeNeal in her temple robes. It was a special experience. Then our nieces came and did JeNeal's make up. 
I guess that had promised her often through the years that they'd made sure she looked good. So they are keeping their word! JeNeal is beautiful. 
We are all thinking of her everyday. I'm so happy for her for where she is right now! There was an evening viewing tonight and the funeral is tomorrow at 11. 

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