Monday, August 28, 2023

BeReal with Nicole

Well, we weren't able to convince Nicole to stay for a morning bike ride. That's ok. She runs a tight ship. Saying bye to my Best Friend!
(Best girlfriend. Corey's my best and only boyfriend). Quick pointless tangent... I'm wondering why I take BeReals right now. Cause I usually want to show the selfie AND the other photo shoot, but with BeReal I don't really have control over them. Like, if this was a photo I had chosen to take, I would have zoomed in a bit more so I could see Nicole's kids better. And I also tend to want to post both BeReals, so if I'm going to show two photos anyway, why not have them be normal photos I am able to control and take rather than BeReals... Hm, something I am going to think about. 
Somehow it's a game that I've gotten sucked into that I am not sure how to get out of or stop doing. Just had to get that out as I'm looking at the two BeReal photos I above. You can also always see my popsocket in the bottom left corner of the wide photos too, blah. Anyway... by the time I was done getting kids off to school (almost) Nicole and her crew had already been up for hours and walked the dog and packed up their cots and were ready to head out. Owen saying bye to their dog Kaylie. 

One last chat before they pull away. 

Nicole has a Velocirax. It's a shame that they brough the bikes out all this way and weren't able to use them. It would have been nicer to have more time to visit and to do things together. I should have gone down to BYU Education week with her. Next year? Er... probably not... blast. I guess I'll go in a few years, when my toddlers are gone (sniff, I'm going to miss my babies if the day ever does come when I'm done with babies and toddlers.) BYE HERMANA!!! She's off to drive across the country once again. 

And despite my tangent above, here's my BeReal from a ride Wes and I took after Nicole left. 

We were biking in Corner Canyon when BeReal went off, but that's ok cause it was in a spot where I was ok with taking a quick break. Wes is going to do some biking for the next 45 days for his BYU Fitness for Living class. We parked at Coyote Hollow, went past the Silica Pit, did Rush the end, then took Canyon Hollow up to the wide Corner Canyon road, took that to the Peakview trailhead, then took Rush down, did Rush the trees. Rush is fun. And then it was a normal Monday with kids. Mel and I watched Peter and Katharine dancing in the front room, I took care of caterpillars... I cleaned a bit in the basement, and saw this house that Sophi has been working on - a replica of our house! Pretty cute! I was way impressed. 

Sophi walked to Wayne's house from Churchill today, and I picked her up from there for her violin lesson. It took a few phone calls back and forth, and sending her some screenshots of maps with arrows, but she made it, Corey met her in the street. She was proud of her almost newfound independence. Good job Soph. Mel and Abi made dinner while I was gone at violin, so we had a sit down dinner, yay, go team.
Then it was homework and helping the kids practice music. I help Owen, NOT that I know how to play the trumpet, but I do go sit with him during his lessons and I take notes, so I know what his teacher is telling him to do. I can't make a sound on the trumpet, but I can coach ok. Corey took this picture of me, I guess he was proud/thankful. Corey and I make a good team.
Life is busy, but rewarding. It's great.

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