Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Library Reservation

Hello there. I was feeling like a wimp this morning and didn't do the mountain with Corey, I just did fishtail. Did ok. Then Wes, Abi and I did the fit test tonight. I did ok considering my injuries, but my hand is bruised and my shoulder got hurt and my knees, so I didn't beat many of my scores last week, but I tied a few. 

Tonight the kids had soccer practice. Owen and Daniel have their practice at 6 at Falcon Park, and then Natalie's is at 7 at Flat Iron. I took Natalie with me when I took Owen and Daniel and I told her that we were going to go to the library. I had reserved a room a few weeks ago, as a trial run to hosting a class. So now I know how to reserve it online, were to go to get the key to get in (don't need to do that, it was open and ready) and Natalie studied while I organized my life coaching papers a little bit. 

I had reached out to a group of friends about it, and only one commented, so I let her know I was going to do this tonight, but she wasn't able to come. And since it was basically just her who knew about it, I wasn't worried about people coming. It was just a test, as I'm trying to take another step towards something, I don't know what. We left in time to go pick up the boys and then go to Natalie's practice. They saw the big green hill and wanted to roll down it. I said they could after practice was done. O&D played on the playground while we waited there. I pulled and pushed them on the metal zip line thingy. After practice, they didn't want to stop, but to pull them away from the playground, I told them I'd meet them at the bottom of the hill and they could roll down the hill. They liked that. I laughed at Natalie's somersaults at :35. That will make for some good childhood memories. And here is cute Katharine today.

I don't anticipate doing anything work-wise with life coaching or anything until this cute little bug is in school, and even then, I wonder if when that moment comes, will I volunteer at the school finally? Or will I practice violin? Or maybe I'll be busy with grandkids then! Maybe I will want to dabble with something else, but who knows. For now, I'll just take a day at a time. Things will work out and unfold as I take one day at a time and stive to stay close to Christ.

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