Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Daniel is 7!

Happy Happy Birthday Daniel! He is 7 years old today! And wouldn't you know, I'm here blogging and I did not get a picture of Daniel today. How did that happen, doh! This morning I took carpool and then went by Smiths to get him some treats to share with his class, and another something sweet for a special cold lunch. He opened his present while I was gone (Mandalorian and baby yoda lego starship) and then he headed off to school. He asked Wesley to make it while he was gone, which Wesley did. After school he was busy playing with friends. Corey's dad came by with a gift. My mom has a lot going on at work so she said she'd come by later. I shall have to update later with that pic after she does! I know she'll bring cake, so I just got cookies and cream ice cream for the kids today. Daniel had some friends come over and and I let them all go to town. So just ice cream today. (Update - Pic below from Sat 9/23 with his cake from my mom - just cake on that day! Ice cream on Tues and cake on Sat - that evens things out and makes the birthday last longer) 

This morning we had four butterflies emerge. After Katharine's happy experience with the monarchs on Saturday, she knows that these are about now and she really likes the butterflies and is a little possessive of them. This one wasn't ready to fly, but the wings were expanded and pretty dry, so I let her have it for a little bit. 

She was pleased. 
She is pretty adorable with the butterflies. We went outside, she still wanted it on her hand.
I eventually had to put them up in the tree though, for their own safety. 
Cute little girl just wants to be one with nature.
I got her distracted on the trampoline long enough to get them safely away. Here's a short video of that - four safely in a tree with a baby bouncing with a red ball behind them. Below, in that video, you can see my milkweed, where their journey began. Lovely monarchs! I took one over to the hibiscus flowers for a prettier photo.
So that's fun, we have 7 more chrysalides. 

Tonight, sweet Peter coloring (Katharine out for the count on the ottoman next to him, ha). 
He is left handed. I love Peter's drawings! They're so cute. 
He does a good job drawing and coloring his books! I'm trying to pause and notice moments like these with Katharine and Peter, hopefully I'll start to notice them with the other kids too and will take pictures, and will get Daniel on his birthday next time! I've started writing down 5 things every night that I'm thankful for. As part of my "Simple Abundance" work with Nicole. Well, as I reviewed things last night, I realized that Owen's life might have been spared yesterday. The kids were crossing the street home on their bikes, right about when I took this photo... Owen went into the street without making sure traffic had stopped...
And I was in the car turning right, on our way to violin, but a lady coming up the street toward the canyon was zipping along and must not have noticed Owen - she had to brake hard and came to a pretty fast halt. It is a bit scary having the kids cross the busy road, which is why I asked Abi to go ride home with them, but we'll go over the rules again to make sure Owen knows to not go into the street unless there are no cars and/or cars have stopped for them. I am very grateful that Owen was safe. 

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