Friday, September 22, 2023

Nursery Play

The kids have their primary program on Sunday. Today at 4 they had a final practice at the church. Katharine played in the nursery while I read. She is sooo adorable.

Cutting up her wooden fruit with a plastic spoon. 

She tried to eat a wood sandwich too. Very honest effort too - put her mouth all over it. I was a bit grossed out thinking of what's been on that wood bread. 

Time to clean up the dishes.

So I was distracted by how cute she was, but I did get a little bit of reading in - one of the books I'm working on right now is "On Fire" - which I picked up at the library a few weeks ago and loved the first chapter so I ordered a copy. Really great book. I started reading it out loud to Lily, Sophi, and Natalie last week and a few pages in and they were hooked. Lily said "Can I read that after you're done?" It's going to be good. I'm already inspired by John O'Leary's example. 

Peter drew his name today - so good! If you zoom in you can see it and a little self portrait done by our little left handed kiddo - 

We took Wesley's mission application photos! This is getting real!

And the kids had the fun run over at school. Everyone was given a t-shirt, a gift from the school sponsors. 

Owen is hard to see in that photo, but you can get half of his head behind a girl - follow the line of the "d" in 3rd and it points to his half face. I didn't go support anything, and I didn't donate, but I plan to be a contributing member of the school community someday. 

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