Friday, September 15, 2023

One Eye Squint

I got the CUTEST picture of Peter and Katharine playing on the trampoline yesterday! Just look at these two!
They both are doing a one eyed squint that is just adorable. And Katharine's taking a lesson from her older sisters with that little bent over pose. I love it. 
Heart is full today feeling like I'm the luckiest mom in the world. P&K Looking at each other - 
"Yeah, we ARE pretty cute, huh!"
Katharine still being cute and smiley after a bath. I made her look like a little Russian babuskha with this silk handkerchief my mom gave me. 
So as I mentioned earlier this week, Katharine has been reading and drawing a lot, it's really fun. She was back at it again this morning, being cute AND smart!
Carefully capturing her thoughts - 
Then excitedly sharing her insights with us!
Peter has been writing a lot too! I caught him writing his name yesterday. Little PETE! So cute. And I think I've pointed out before that Peter appears to be left handed!
I also loved this drawing he did of some of his siblings. The only one I recognized was Sophi. 
And loved these little people drawings too!
Coloring with markers. 
Writing is important, especially cause that comes in handy when finding work. Hyrum sent this meme that made us laugh, ha. 
He is thinking of how to make money. He got a job at Chick Fil A up there at BYU on campus, so that's good that it is close to his apartment and he can walk to it. He just needs me to mail him his birth certificate, so that's on it's way to him. I've been doing work preparing for my Sunday lesson on being reconciled to God. I got a book a week ago called "In Awe" by John Leary, which stood out to me because the word "awe" has personal meaning from my patriarchal blessing. Anyway, In Awe is his second book - I went back to the library to check out his first book, On Fire, it's really good! I'm going to use some of it in my lesson on Sunday. I did some lesson prep today while the girls were at group violin class. I got interrupted, but I'm sure the lesson will be ok. Someday I'll have quiet interruption free days. In my lesson on Sunday I'm hoping we will talk about being committed to God even (especially!) in our trials! No excuses! "It's my life and I'm responsible for it!" 
A few other things I was listening to in preparation for Sunday. So first - what we think is so important for how we live, and along that line I listened to this TED Talk by Amy Cuddy which also shared how yes, our thoughts influence our bodies, but our bodies can influence our minds too (start around minute 10)! It would be great to do the Wonder Woman Pose for a few minutes everyday!Katharine putting her hands up, cheering for herself! An expression that even blind people do when they are feeling victorious, even though they've never seen it done. It's a natural expression of triumph. 
Really cool stuff in that talk. Be reconciled unto God

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