Monday, October 16, 2023

CC Ride & Baby Photoshoot

We didn't have violin today. I was quick to take advantage of this open afternoon by heading out to Corner Canyon for a ride. (Corey rode the quarry trail this morning). I went around 4:30 and I took my silver bike, cause the guys were back again cutting down the cottonwood trees, and they were in the process of cutting, so there were piles of branches and trunks blocking off the basement door. I'm so sad that the trees are almost officially gone. There were two still leaning into our yard (last pic), and now there is just one. I bet it will be gone tomorrow. So that's sad, and my fezzari was trapped in the basement, but I was ok to take my silver bike cause I am a little faster with it! And with that little extra speed, I was able to get new PRs and beat all my times on Ann's from this year and last year! Gold medal emojis all over! I took BST up to Anns, then Anns over to Edelweiss, around to Ghost, down ghost and Rush. 7.27 miles, 58.09 minutes. I had to stop and take a BeReal and a few other pictures...

Ghost Falls is so pretty, especially in fall. Fall is my favorite. Golden hour!
And over in Ghost Falls, it looked like cupid had dropped valentine cards all over the ground.
Pink and red all over!
It was wonderful, filled my soul, and I loved it. I didn't get any PRs on Ghost falls, cause I was too busy taking in the scenery. That ride cannot be rushed.
I love Ghost Falls. Back at home, the girls had been watching Katharine for me. Lily did a photo shoot after school. 
We all think that Katharine is a pretty little thing. With pretty little toes. 
Lily had to change her dress to match the different dress up hats. 

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